- Thirty-three: Let go of that fear -

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I'm sorry for the late update, but here's a chapter.


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"Nico, My boy! It is very good to see you again," Chiron said smiling brightly.

Nico forced himself to turn away from the son of Apollo and returned the greeting. "I came back for my sister," he said ignoring Will's stare.

Chiron nodded his head in understanding. They talked for a while before leaving the big house. "Oh, do you know about the new prophecy?" Rachel asked suddenly.

He shook his head confused. "Oh well, you'll find out later," she said shrugging.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up. "Percy's back too!" He widened his eyes and a huge grin broke his face.

"Oh, my gods? Are you serious?" Rachel nodded her excitedly.

"Yeah! That's why I iris messaged you. I was about to ask Percy to IM you but he's been having a rough time," she said apologetically.

He waved it off and asked, "So where is he now?"

"With the others at another planet," she said casually.

Nico blinked. "Another planet?"

Rachel nodded her head. "Right, I forgot Chaos' army existed," he said shaking his head.

"Well, while you try and figure things out, I'ma head out and help the Demeter cabin. Something happened with the crops," she said before jogging away.

Nico was about to leave when a familiar voice called him. "Nico."

The son of Hades froze and he felt chills down his spine. His voice was smooth and bright just like it had been when they were together. He turned around and stared at the son of Apollo.

"What?" He asked but didn't mean for it to sound mean when Will flinched slightly.

He ran a hand through his hair and exhaled. "Can we talk?" He asked nervously. Nico glared at him.

"You want to talk now?" He asked annoyed. After what the other put him through, he wanted to talk? Will hurt him more than words could ever describe.

"I know I hurt you and I'm sor-," he was cut off by Nico.

"No. You don't deserve to be sorry. I loved you but you threw my heart onto the ground and stomped on it. You never cared and I hated the way I felt for you," he said as his voice broke a little.

Nico thought after he ranted out how he felt, he would feel better. But it just reopened the wound in his heart. No matter how much he hated Will for using him, he couldn't hurt the guy. 

Will was silent as he held back his tears. "The only reason I came back was to see my sister and Percy," he said softly before walking away.

He pulled his jacket closer towards him as a tear fell down his cheek in sync with the son of Apollo's.

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