- Forty-five: For Eternity -

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Guys, it's coming to and end soon. I can practically feel it.


One month until the beginning of the last war. Nervousness filled the atmosphere in both camps and Olympus. Everyone has trained hard for the war and hoped that it will be the end.

Chaos, Gaia, Uranus, Pontus and Hemera joined in with training as they were going to be facing the other primordials. Percy was becoming edgy and no one but Chaos seemed to know why.

"Perseus, calm down," the Creator said as he sighed.

The son of Hestia was pacing around with a nervous expression on his face. Chaos, finally having enough, scooped the assassin up making him yelp in surprise and kissed him.

They stayed that way for ten seconds and parted. Percy stared at him in a daze. "Why'd you do that for?" He asked while blushing.

Chaos raised an eyebrow as he looked down at him. "You were pacing none stop and it was starting to get annoying," he replied pointedly.

Percy blushed and nodded his head. "Can you put me down?" He mumbled.

Now one thing, Chaos especially liked about Percy being pregnant was that he was incredibly shy. Even a peck on the cheek made him blush like crazy.

Chaos smirked and leaned down some more. "And if I don't?"

Percy looked away as a sudden wave of timidness overcame him. His cheeks feeling hotter by the second.

But it became even redder when Silena walked in. "Hey, Percy I-," she stopped and raised an eyebrow.

Imagine this, Chaos was carrying Percy bridal style and he was leaning down very close to the assassin's lips. Not only that, he was blushing like crazy. That's what Silena was seeing at the moment. Percy buried his head in the Creator's chest trying to hide his red face.

"Uh, I can come back later," she said and pointed at the door.

Chaos shook his head and placed Percy on his bed kissing his forehead gently. An adorable smile appeared on his face once the Creator pulled away. "Don't do anything stupid," he said before leaving.

Silena sat down beside him and smirked. "That was so cute!" She shrieked happily.

Percy glared half-heartedly at her before a smile grazed his face too. "Yeah, he's gorgeous," he said absentmindedly while tracing the patterns on the bedsheet.

Silena chuckled before pulling him to face her. "Have you been eating well? Have you guys decided on the baby name? Is it a boy or a girl?" She asked rapidly.

The daughter of Aphrodite found out about two months ago and wouldn't stop mothering him. Why he wasn't looking as big as a house was because of the Mist.

He came to her only for advice because she has two kids back at Zion. Wilson and Vanessa, both sweethearts.

Percy let loose a laugh before answering her questions. "Yes, I did. We have and we're not telling you," he said and displayed a lopsided smile.

Silena pouted but a smile quickly replaced it. She hugged him carefully before pulling away. "You should be careful. The war is coming, Percy," she said.

The assassin sighed and nodded his head. Chaos, Silena and Poseidon have been telling him that he needed to be careful since the war is coming and it was getting on his nerves.

"I know I know," he said.

Silena stayed quiet for a while before asking, "Will you be fine without your wings?"

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