- Fourteen: You're always starving! -

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And I'm back.


They flashed outside of camp's borders scaring some of the campers.

It's been so long! I wonder what's changed.

The five commanders nodded in agreement with Eve.

Before they could enter, Peleus awoke and stared at them. He wrapped his tail around Thalia's tree protectively. Edith stared at the dragon confusedly.

Since when was there a dragon guarding the tree?

Eve patted his shoulder in mock reassurance.

You naive little boy.

Free continued standing at his position. The exact same place he had left from camp and vowed to never return to. But here he was.

He spotted the dragon and walked towards the dragon, unlike the others. They avoided him at cost not knowing what the dragon will do to them. Peleus stared at him wearily as he moved nearer. The assassin stretched out his hand and moved slowly towards him.

As he neared, Peleus recognised his scent and calmed down. He leaned into Free's touch and a puff of smoke escaped his nostrils. The assassin made a face as he swiped the smoke away. Something glittered in the corner of his eye and he looked up.

"Huh, the fleece is still here," he said jokingly. Peleus snorted as if feeling offended.

Free chuckled before standing up from his position. The campers were staring at him weirdly.

"What?" He asked. They snapped out of their gaze.

"What do you mean the fleece is still here? Have you been to camp before?" Annabeth asked wearily. Free froze realising his mistake.

"No but I've seen this place before. The fleece isn't something you'd miss if you know greek history," he lied. The immortal demigod stared at him wearily before facing the others. The gods stared at him too before shifting to the commanders.

Edith glared at the demigod. "We'll be staying in our cabin."

"What cabin?" Annabeth asked confusedly.

Edith rose a hand and the ground rumbled. A black cabin with Chaos' symbol on the front. Eight arrowheads pointed in different directions within a circle. He jerked his head in the direction of the new cabin.

Annabeth nodded her head. "Everyone. Go back to your respective lessons," she said. The campers scampered off leaving five of them. Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank and Leo.

"We were wondering...if any of you have seen or met him?" Hazel asked nervously. Edith raised an eyebrow.

They were confused until realisation dawned on them. "Why wouldn't he be here?" Nightshade asked confused.

Six of them shifted uncomfortably. "Two centuries ago, we made a mistake and because of it, he's gone," Piper said and blinked the tears away.

Edith shook his head in reply. "I'm sorry. I haven't seen him."

They nodded their heads before leaving. The Elite team walked towards their cabin just as someone else came jogging over to them. She tapped Free's shoulders.

"Can I speak to you?" She asked. He looked back at the others before nodding his head. He followed her into the forest.

Rachel turned around and crossed her arms. "You left without saying goodbye," she said. Taken aback, he stared at her confusedly.

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