- Twenty: Thalia is scary -

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I'm going to make Percy to be able to control the earth instead of only knowing how to create earthquakes.


Renegade couldn't handle the shock that went through him. After Edith had revealed himself, he teleported himself out of there. He couldn't stand to look at them. He was the reason they died and seeing them here made it worse.

He collapsed onto the ground in the garden outside of the throne room. Tears dripped down from his face as he pulled his legs towards his chest.

Chaos sat down beside the assassin. He lifted his face and pulled his hood down. Chaos could see the tears slipping past the mask before he gently peeled it off.

There were tiny crack lines in his beautiful sea-green eyes. The Creator wiped the tears away as Percy buried his face in his chest. Chaos wrapped his arms around him protectively as he sobbed.

"Why won't the nightmares leave?" He mumbled after a while of crying. He laid on the Creator's chest as they sat in each other's embrace.

"They won't leave because you'll learn to overcome them," he said. Percy exhaled through his nose as he sat up to face Chaos.

He placed a hand on his cheek and smiled. "I love you."

A smile so bright, it could light the universe for aeons appeared on the Creator's face. Percy smiled knowingly as he pulled Chaos into a kiss. He forgot about his nightmares as he focused on the kiss entirely.

They pulled away and Chaos smiled giddily. "I'll never get enough of you," he told the assassin as he smiled at the assassin. He snaked his arms around Percy's waist and pulled him close.

Percy relaxed into his lover's arms. They were one of the few things that made him feel safe too. They heard footsteps and turned around. Rachel huffed as she placed her hands on her thighs.

"I hate the both of you... for choosing a place... so difficult to find," she said between breaths. Percy chuckled as she stood up straighter and looked at them.

"I think the others are catching up and you don't have to reveal yourself if you don't want to," she said.

"I want to," he said after a thought. Chaos glanced down at him.

"Are you sure?"

Percy nodded his head. "Okay, then," Rachel commented and walked back to the throne room. The two of them not far behind as they held hands.


Rachel pushed opened the door and everyone turned to face her expectantly. She sat down beside the Hestia and smiled knowingly.

Renegade entered with Chaos and they sat on their seat. The assassin took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. He took out the mask from underneath first. No turning back now.

He pushed his hood down and there was a loud syncronised gasp. He still had his eyes closed as he inhaled. When he opened them, there were different emotions present on their faces.

"PERCY!" He was tackled by a daughter of Zeus as she hugged him tightly. She then hit his arm.

"I am so pissed I swear to god. You left without saying goodbye! Nico and Grover are going to come after you!" She screeched. Percy shrunk away as he plastered a small smile.

"I didn't think you guys would care," he admitted. Thalia sighed as she placed her hands on his shoulders.

"You really are a seaweed brain," she said smiling. Percy felt some of the weight lift off from his shoulders.

Poseidon stared at his son not believing his eyes. Percy was back home. He felt so many emotions run through him as he gazed at his son. The immortal demigods wanted to apologise and ask for his forgiveness so badly. Annabeth hoped he would forgive her and take her back. He couldn't have moved on, right?

Percy felt their stares on him intensifying so much. But it was cut short by Rachel. "Back to the prophecy," she said and everyone nodded their heads.

"Who's the son of the hearth?" Luke asked confusingly. Everyone shook their heads lost too. This was something Percy was not going to say. He felt his mother's stare on him. When he looked up, she winked at him.

A few hours later, they were all tired and decided to end it for today. Percy not wanting to be bombarded with questions, left first.

"Does Percy seem... different?" Piper asked. They nodded their heads in agreement.

"Tenser and less cheery," Luke commented.

"What happened when we were gone?" Bianca asked worriedly. The remaining seven looked down guiltily. Rachel snorted and glared at them.

"Another war happened and we won. But it was what happened after that made him leave Earth," she said fiercely still staring at them. Thalia nodded her head in agreement.

"Explain?" Zoë asked.


Percy teleported back into the throne room. Luckily for him, no one but Hestia in there. He brisk walked towards the hearth and sat down beside her. The goddess smiled brightly at her son. She hugged him tightly not letting go.

"You gave yourself away when you controlled the flame," she said. He hugged her back and smiled.

"It was either that or the gods get charred," he said pointedly. Hestia chuckled. She shifted his bangs away from his eyes.

"It has been too long, my dear," she said and held his cheek. He smiled and leaned into her touch.

"Now, tell me about your adventure."

It took almost more than two hours for him to explain almost everything to her. He left out about the part where he killed following orders. She didn't need to know that. And the part where he was dating Chaos. She'll find out on her own.

When he glanced out of the window, it was nightfall. Hestia glanced out too and she smiled at him. "You should head back soon. I'll see you tomorrow," she said and kissed his forehead in motherly affection.

He nodded his head before teleporting back to camp. He walked past the borders and towards the Chaos cabin. When he entered, he was tackled by Bianca. He stumbled before catching himself.

"I'm so glad to see you again," she said after releasing him from a death grip. Percy chuckled and she pulled him to the couch making sure he told her about everything.

"Where are the others?" He asked curiously. She shrugged.

"Probably of to scare poor little Luthor," she said and smirked. Percy smiled happy that he still had friends who cared about him. Dead or alive.

"I'm heading out for a while," he said. Bianca nodded her head and patted his head.

"Be careful."

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