- Thirty-one: Nico is overly excited -

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Just a quick question. Would you be pissed if I ripped Percy's wings away?

This song is good by the way.


Nico was in Italy enjoying his life when suddenly an iris message appeared in front of him. "What is it, Rachel?" He sighed exasperatedly.

Instead of seeing a red-haired girl, it was someone unexpected. Someone very much alive. She smiled and waved at him. "Hey, Neeks."

The son of Hades dropped the book he was holding as it hit the ground. His eyes filled with tears as he reached out towards the iris message. "Bianca?"

The daughter of Hades giggled at his reaction. "You haven't changed one bit since I last saw you," she said. Nico conflicted. He was happy, angry and confused at the same time.

"H-How?" Even with all his emotions, he couldn't help but let a smile graced his usually frowning face.

Bianca chuckled and smiled at her brother. "I'll tell you when you come to camp," she said. That's all it took for him to return to camp that day.


The group that went in search for the dragons was met with a ferocious voice.

"Who dares enter the Dragons' territory?"

Everyone whipped out their weapons but they were immediately whisked away. "Hey! What gives?" Piper asked suddenly feeling vulnerable without her dagger.

"It's the Fire dragon," Percy said astonished as they backed up together. Three red and orange dragons surrounded them. The one in front of Percy had green eyes and black slits.

"If it isn't the Elite warriors," the dragon in front of him said.

Luke felt a puff of air behind him and he shivered involuntarily. Compared to the size of the Dragons, they were a mouse to them. "What brings you here?" He said and tilted its head.

"I have no idea what they're talking about," Jason said to Piper. Everyone else nodded their heads. Percy creased his eyebrows.

"What do you mean? They just ask what brings us here," he said confusedly.

Everyone, including the Dragons, stared at him amazed. "You can understand them?" Luke asked at the same time as the Dragon with green eyes.

"You can understand us?"

Percy turned around and faced it. "Um, yeah?" The Dragons suddenly took an interest in him as they surrounded him.

"You smell different. Powerful." The one with blue eyes said.

"More so that the others." The one with grey eyes added. Percy turned around and followed their gaze. The others left behind the Dragons.

"Brother, we must bring him to his majesty," the blue-eyed said. The green-eyed one considered for a moment before sighing through his nose.

"Alright then. Come with us, young hero," he said.

Percy glanced back at his friends, "What about my friends?"

The green-eyed seemed reluctant at first before agreeing. "They may come along as well."

They each got onto the Dragons and immediately shot up. Piper freaked burying her face into Jason's back. "The brunette is afraid of me?" The blue-eyed dragon asked disappointed.

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