- Twenty-eight: Another metal-bender -

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Hi guys. I'm tired. Just came back from school and am tired. Here's a chapter. Some of you might recognise this scene is from LOK.


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Annabeth was in her cabin when she heard a loud thud from outside. Must be the Stolls again, she thought irritatedly. She went out of her cabin and slammed opened the door ready to yell at them.

She stopped and gasped. "Percy!" She knelt down beside him and cradled his head. He was sweating and groaning in pain.

"Felix! Go get Commander Edith!" She shouted at one of the campers.

Less than a minute later, Luke was kneeling beside her. "What happened?" He asked frantically. Annabeth shook her head.

"I don't know. I heard a loud thud and came out to see he was already on the floor," she said in a rush. Luke carried the assassin bridal style into the infirmary.

The others came in soon after. "What happened?" Bianca asked as she stood beside the medical bed. Percy was flinching and a layer of sweat was forming on his forehead. He arched his back slightly as he let out heavy pants.

He let out pained noises as he whipped his heads to the sides. Annabeth sat on a chair in one corner of the room. She bit her nails worriedly. Sure Percy wasn't her boyfriend anymore, he was still her best friend.

Percy felt his whole body burning as he squeezed his eyes shut. It wasn't the mercury at work though. He was trying hard not to let the Talon take over since he could block out whatever it was that was affecting him.

Percy suddenly shot up and fell off the bed. "Percy!" The son of Hestia pushed himself up as he gripped the edge of the bed.

"Percy?" He glanced up and everyone stared at him wearily.

His eyes were flashing between green and gold. He flinched and slammed a hand on the bed breaking it in the process. Everyone backed away as he panted heavily and gripped the white sheets. When he turned around, everyone hasped. His eyes were gold.

He was gone in a blur and it took everyone three seconds to get over the fact that he was gone before they rushed after him.

"Search the whole perimeter," Luke commanded and everyone ran to different parts of the camp.

Half an hour later, they came back devastated. No one had found him. "Why was he acting like this?" Bianca asked anxiously.

"We don't know. Annabeth found him collapsed outside her cabin," Luke said. Annabeth nodded her head in agreement.

"We should call a meeting," Zoë suggested. They nodded their heads before disappearing and reappearing in Olympus.

They asked Lady Hestia to summon the Olympians and she rose the flames. Luke called upon the primordials helping them in this war. Chaos, Gaia, Pontus, Uranus and Hemera appeared not a second later along with the gods.

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