- Twenty-nine: Nothing but a pawn -

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Hi hi. I learned that being sarcastic is the best, for fun I mean. :DD


"Percy, you have to wear something formal."

The son of Hestia let out an irritated sigh. He hated the state he was in now.

"I don't feel like going," he said and leaned on the armrest.

Bianca and Annabeth stared at each other before sighing. Ever since the near death incident with mercury, he hasn't been himself. Every night, he had nightmares and couldn't sleep much. Even if Chaos was there to sleep beside him, he would only get a few hours of sleep.

The white lines that were supposed to disappear, reappeared. This time, it almost reached it's core. There were dark shadows underneath his eyes from the lack of sleep.

"Can you at least try this?" Bianca asked and lifted a cloak. It was a new gift to him by Poseidon. Percy didn't answer as he continued staring out at the window.

The daughter of Hades exhaled through her nose and glanced at Annabeth. She nodded her head and Bianca left the room.

Annabeth knelt down in front of Percy. "Percy, look at me." The son of Hestia turned his head and stared at her. She sighed and caressed his cheek.

"It's been two weeks and it's alright if you don't immediately heal," she said and placed a hand over his. Percy exhaled through his nose and stared at his hands. He nodded his head and Annabeth smiled. She hugged him gently and he hugged back.

They left the room and Percy had to lean heavily onto her as they walked. "Percy." The son of Hestia glanced up and smiled at his mother.

"Mother." She wrapped her arms around him tightly. She pulled away and looked at him.

"You look amazing," she complimented. He smiled in reply and walked beside her with Annabeth's help. They walked out of the Chaos cabin and the Elite team were outside.

"If there's any problem, you know how to contact us," Luke told the others. Beckendorf, Silena, Michael and Zoë nodded their heads.

"Percy!" The son of Hestia was engulfed in another hug and he winced. Silena pulled away and smiled apologetically.

"Ready?" They nodded their heads and Luke teleported them to planet Zion.

The guards pushed opened the doors and smiled at them. Hestia and Annabeth stared at the castle amazed. "This is incredible," the ex-daughter of Athena marvelled.

Luke smiled. In the past two weeks, she had proven Luke wrong. She had changed, but for the better. She, much like the other female Elite members, was protective of Percy.

He and Bianca led them to the living room. He pushed opened a door and Chaos was already inside. The Creator stood up and smiled at them. He went over to Percy and kissed his forehead gently.

He scooped him up, much to the assassin's irritation(secretly enjoying it), and placed him onto the chair. "Today is the new warriors' graduation. Luke, Bianca and Perseus are supposed to be present during this ceremony," Chaos explained. Hestia and Annabeth nodded their heads in understanding.

"You are welcome to attend as our guests," he added.

"I'll show you guys to your rooms," he said leaving with Bianca, the other two following.

Percy leaned against Chaos and let out a shaky breath. "You don't have to attend if you don't want to," the Creator said as he removed the bangs covering his eyes.

Percy shook his head and smiled at him. "I'll attend," he mumbled. Chaos nodded his head and leaned onto the other's head.

"Do you think I'll be normal again?" Percy asked after a moment of silence.

Chaos creased his eyebrows and stared at him disapprovingly. He turned to face him and grabbed his hands. "What makes you say that?" He asked and rubbed his thumb against his hand.

It was quiet for a while before Chaos felt something wet drop onto his hand. He glanced up and felt his heart twist into knots over and over again. Percy was crying as he answered, "Because I'm f-falling and I don't know how to land." Chaos wiped his tears and cupped his cheek with one hand.

"Then I'll teach you." Percy looked at Chaos and his lips trembled. He gripped the Creator's hands tightly not letting go. The assassin curled into Chaos' chest as he sobbed.

He stroked his hair affectionately and said, "When you fall, I'll be there to catch you."


"Will Percy be fine?" Annabeth asked worriedly. Luke exchanged a look with Bianca.

"I hope so. He's been through so much already," Bianca answered sadly.

"He'll pull through," Hestia said determinedly.

The goddess of the hearth had to have hope because that's what her son gave her. She wasn't going to give up on her son, not now not ever.

"The ceremony starts at eight," Bianca informed them. Luke was gone by the time they reached their rooms.

"What's Luke's role in the castle?" Annabeth asked curiously.

"He's the first-in-command in Chaos' army. Without him, the whole place practically falls apart," Bianca joked. The two of them chuckled.

"What about Percy?"

Bianca smiled proudly while saying, "He is our weapon expert and head of training. He works mostly alone."

Annabeth nodded her head. "Thanks." Bin a was about to leave when the ex-daughter of Athena called her.

"I'm sorry for treating you guys badly when you first arrived. I was lost, I guess," she apologised. Bianca smiled and shook her head.

"No worries. You're still the same determined girl when we first met," she commented. Annabeth chuckled before saying goodbye.


The ceremony started and everyone was excited. Annabeth and Hestia observed everyone from the second floor. It was definitely very different from Olympus. It was livelier and brighter. They spotted Percy sitting beside Luke and Bianca on one side of the platform.

"Congratulations everyone for making it to the army. I hope to work with all of you soon," Chaos finished and smiled. The crowd applauded and cheered.

He glanced back at the commanders. Luke stood up first and stood beside Chaos. Bianca  smiled and walked beside him. Percy was next.

Luke and Bianca sucked in a breath and waited. Percy took in a deep breath and stood up from his seat. He walked towards them and gave a small smile to the crowd. The five of them surprised that he could walk properly.

"Edith, Iros and Renegade. They will be your head of command."

At least three hours later, the ceremony ended with a celebration. Percy excused himself and returned to his room. Once he reached his room, his legs gave way and he collapsed behind the door.

The entire time, he was using the water vapour in the air to support his legs. He leaned his head backwards and stared at the ceiling blankly. His whole life was a wreck.

Everything he did backfired on him, whether it was good or bad. Mostly bad. He hated feeling so weak and useless. The sympathetic looks given by his friends was the one thing he didn't need. He exhaled through his mouth and closed his eyes.

Maybe they were right. He was nothing but a pawn that was used to kill.

Maybe the Fates were really against him.

Maybe everybody does hate him.

Maybe he should have died long ago.

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