- Nine: Everyone needs to cry once in a while -

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I suddenly like remixes of songs. :DD


Chaos had watched as Renegade shadow travelled away. He wanted to comfort him but something told him that he needed to give the assassin some space. "Sire, he was a part of them," Edith said with distaste and an undertone of sadness.

Chaos sighed and nodded his head. Renegade was different. He had a past that no one could understand or figure out. He wanted to be there to help him and comfort him. He wanted to be the assassin's friend. But at the moment, he needed to give him time.

Renegade collapsed on his knees as his wings flapped and wrapped themselves around him. His shoulders shook as tears rolled down his face. He sobbed and hugged himself tightly. The ground shook as anger, self-hatred and many other negative emotions came crashing down on him. He sobbed and screamed as everything he had held back came crashing down on him.

'You're nothing but a murderer.'

'You'll be the best of us. The Talon.'

'The only people who care about you is us.'

The tortured cries echoed in his head. Every pain he felt came flooding back to his head as he gripped his hood and pulled it down tightly trying to hide from the pain. Everything he had done to ignore it had failed and he was suffering because of it. It felt like hours had passed as he sat there crying his heart out.

Renegade didn't know when his wings unveiled him but he felt a pair of strong arms around him. He clutched onto the person's shirt and whimpered into his chest. "It's alright," the person murmured into his hair. The assassin's wings had disappeared so the other could hold him. Renegade's breathing slowed down but he didn't let go of the person.

They stayed that way for some time before Renegade lifted his head tiredly and placed it gently on Chaos' shoulder. "H-How did y-you find m-me?" He asked quietly stammering. The Creator glanced down at him.

"The Mother tree felt your distress," he said. Now he felt guilty. He probably had caused much damage onto the planet because of no control over his emotions. He exhaled through his nose and closed his eyes exhausted.

Painful memories flashed by and he immediately whipped them open. He couldn't sleep now, not after what had just happened. Renegade would have needed sleep, but the Talon doesn't. He was trained to stay fully awake for a full week if he used his energy correctly.

"Don't blame yourself over what happened," Chaos said. Renegade glanced up at him. "What makes you say that?" He asked absentmindedly. Chaos rolled his eyes.

"Don't lie to me," he said. Renegade gave a small smile. Nothing could get past Chaos. He was the only person who saw through him like a sheet of glass. No point in lying now, right?

Chaos ran a hand through the assassin's hair as he spoke softly. "I used to enjoy killing and I hated it," he said quietly.

"In the beginning, I didn't feel anything. One day, I just snapped I guess. I started realising what I was doing, but I couldn't escape it and I felt everything come down on me," he mumbled.

"If mother were to see me now, she'll be disappointed," he said sadly.

"Is she...gone?" Chaos asked phrasing his words carefully. Renegade shook his head and laughed quietly. "No. It's just that I haven't seen her in years," he said. He inhaled and exhaled releasing the tension from his shoulders.

"I don't think I want to return yet," he said. Chaos tilted his head to the left. So, Renegade does have a family. He only talks about his mother, what about his father?

"What about your father?" Chaos asked in a tone that said that he didn't need to say if he didn't want to.

Renegade hesitated. "I don't have one." The assassin stopped before continuing. "But there is someone who is like a father to me. Mother would have been jealous," he said and snickered quietly. He flicked a small pebble across the cliff.

They sat there for a while longer before Chaos stood up and dusted his pants. Renegade glanced up at him questioningly. "I believe you have a task next," he said and stretched his hand out. The assassin smiled and took it.

Time skip to end of third task. It's in the one-shot

Renegade and Wayword slid down the door. They panted slightly and laughed it off. "I'm never doing that again," Wayword said. Renegade chuckled.

"Yeah. Instead, you'll be doing even more dangerous missions," he said and gave his signature laughter. Wayword huffed and punched his shoulder lightly. They stood up and walked back to their rooms.


Both people stopped and turned around. Wayword raised an eyebrow and looked at Renegade. He wiggled his eyebrows before dodging a hit from the assassin and running away cackling. He glared at the fleeing human and faced the Creator. "That was a great performance out there," he commented. Renegade blushed and luckily for him, his hood was up.

"Wayword helped too. He was the one who slaughtered the drakon," he said. Chaos chuckled. Leave it to the assassin to shrug the compliment off and give it to someone else. "Yeah, he did too," he said. Chaos' hand twitched sightly. He wanted to take the stupid hood down. It was covering the assassin's face, something he wouldn't mind staring at all day.

Renegade cleared his throat and glanced down awkwardly. "I'm going to head back now," he mumbled and turned around leaving quickly.

Once he left the room, commander Edith stood beside him from the shadows. "When are you going to do it?" He asked. One side of Chaos' lip tilted upwards.


Edith let out a sigh of relief. "Or not," Chaos said cheekily and brisk walked out of the throne room. Edith gaped at his king. "Sire!"


Renegade sat in his room wearing his suit. He thought back about how many times he came close to kissing Chaos. Not that he would mind. He just didn't want to fall in love again, but of course Chaos being the annoying, handsome man he is, made his way into his heart. He tried countless times to avoid the Creator and even brushed him off.

Alas, it never works. He blamed the fates for being so cruel towards him. Once, he thought he heard them laugh when he cursed at his luck. Chaos had broken down the walls that he had built in the past centuries.

There was a celebration later that night to celebrate the victors' win. Honestly, the celebration that night was pretty useless. Three more hours before it began. He layed down on the bed and sighed. He glanced at a flame drawing on the ceiling. The assassin missed his mother. He thought about it multiple times whether he should write to her or let her believe he was dead.

After a while, he sat up and picked up a piece of paper. His pen moving in swift movements as he jolted everything down.

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