- Forty-one: What are friends for? -

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Okayyy, since some of you are excited for the baby, you can start suggesting names. Both gender names are welcomed.


"Why did he lose his wings?!"

"I don't know! They didn't tell me their plan until I saw the wings myself. I feel like an asshole now."

The person felt a hand on her shoulder and she glanced up. A sigh escaped the elder's mouth. "It is not your fault," she said in a gentle tone.

The immortal sagged her shoulders and ran a hand through her hair. "What now?" She asked.

The elder didn't know the answer to that question. "The eclipse is approaching and I don't know if they're ready," she said worriedly.

The elder exhaled through her nose before sitting down on the chair behind her. "We let them train. I have faith in Perseus. He can pull through anything," she said.

The girl sat down on the armchair and nodded her head in agreement.


Percy sat in the dining pavilion opposite Silena. Everyone else chatted and ate their food while he frowned at his own. The daughter of Aphrodite stared at him worriedly.

"Percy, you alright?" She asked quietly. Percy glanced up and frowned even more.

"I... yeah. I just don't have much of an appetite," he replied. She nodded her head before listening to Luke's story.

Deciding to return to his room, he excused himself and left. Once he fell onto his bed, he was out.

[ Dream ]

Percy was standing in a grassy field full of flowers. A gentle wind blew past him making the plants around him sway as if they were dancing.


Percy looked behind him and found himself staring at the elder primordial. This time, she was dressed in a high neck laced blue tulle dress. Her hair was done up into a messy braid around her head and yet overall, she looked elegant.

"Have you told him?" She asked kindly.

He nodded his head in reply. She walked forward and stood in front of him. "What did he say?" She asked quietly.

Percy glanced up and replied honestly, "He was excited."

The elder primordial let out a breath and smiled. "I am glad he has you," she said again. He nodded his head in reply.

She tilted her head and a sad look passed her graceful features. "You lost your wings."

Percy nodded his head and blinked the tears away. She wrapped him in her arms as he let out a shuddering breath. "I am so sorry, dear," she said sincerely.

He nodded his head numbly as she patted his shoulders comfortingly. She pulled away and a smile adorned her face once more. "I have a gift for you," she said.

Percy stared at her curiously as she beckoned for him to follow. As they walked through the field, the ground below him changed. It reflected the sky making everything look magnificent. It was like the whole ground just turned into a mirror.

The elder primordial stopped and he glanced at her curiously. She smiled at him and pointed front. He followed where she was pointing at and gasped.

Standing a few feet in front of them was the one person who he didn't expect to see again.

At least not alive.

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