- Thirteen: Oh look, another prophecy -

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They can apparate btw. Like the Harry Potter kind.

Oh and um @SkyxxxQueen, you need to stop predicting what I'm going to do next to the chapter. Cause like dUdE, hOw On EaRtH dId YoU eVeN kNoW???


Fifty years later.

"Free! Get your ass here!"

A cackle was heard as the person, Free ran down the hallways. He almost knocked over several others along the way as he ran and people call him the master of stealth.

He ran to the training room and did a quick sweep. He found the person he was looking for and ran towards her. Iros stared at him weirdly as to why he was hiding behind her.

"I may or may not have angered your husband by a little," he said and emphasized on little. Iros raised an eyebrow at him.

"Mhm," she said just as the door burst opened. Standing there was a very angry commander. Free grinned and waved at him.

"You son of a bi-,"


Edith shut his mouth and stalked towards the immortal. Iros stopped him and gave him a pointed look. The commander looked like a kicked puppy as he pouted and crossed his arms childishly.

"Now, mind telling me what happened?" Iros asked.

Edith pointed an accusing finger at Free. "He ate my doughnut!"

Ah, yes. This was a common thing that happened between the commanders. Ever since they joined the army, Free had gotten close to the commanders. He even made the whole castle livelier than it was.

Iros rolled her eyes and turned to Free. "How was I supposed to know? It was sitting on the table!" He shrieked in reply.

Iros sighed and stared at both of them. "Edith, just get another doughnut," she said exasperatedly. The first-in-command huffed and did the most mature thing. He stuck out his tongue at the other.

Free being another mature one, did the same thing. Iros smacked both the underside of their heads. Just then, Eve came jogging over. "Guys guys! Guess what?" She asked after ruffling Free's hair. He pouted and tried to push his messy black hair back down.

"What?" Edith asked.

Eve was smiling so excitedly. "We're going on another mission," she said. They stared at her incredulously. What's so special about this mission?

Eve couldn't contain her excitement. "We're going back home!" She said. Iros widened her eyes and squealed. They hugged and shrieked excitedly.

Free stared a the weirdly. Did they come from the same planet or something? "Is he for real?" Edith asked excitedly. Eve nodded her head and grinned widely.

'I'm lost. Where are we going?" Free asked confused. They stared at him excitedly.

"Earth. We're going back to Earth."

Free felt his feet turn cold. His heart and mind became numb. Shock ran through him a thousand miles per hour. Earth. The last place he wanted to return to.

Iros stared at him worriedly. His expression had suddenly become emotionless. Wasn't he excited? It's not like he's been there before, right? "Free, are you alright?" She asked. He snapped his head to face her and plastered a fake smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said.

"When are we leaving?" Edith asked. "In two days."

"You know what? I forgot I needed to help Sam with something. I'll see you later," he lied before leaving the training room. When the door closed, the three commanders stared at each other confused.

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