- Twelve: You again? -

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It's 16 December. Nine more days. Count down with me.


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As Hestia sat around the flames of the hearth, it radiated a large amount of warmth that could make the whole world feel at peace for a whole century. She stared at it curiously as to why this was happening. Something must have happened to her son to make him this happy.

She smiled as she tended to the flames. It was a nice change too. In the past decades, she had seen the flames turn into just glowing coals in the hearth and burn brightly with hope. Perseus must be having one hell of a lifetime. The throne room doors burst opened and she glanced in the direction.

Hades entered and he felt his shoulders lose all tension. A warm feeling went through him as he smiled. He turned to his sister staring at her curiously. "Did something good happen?" He asked as he sat beside her. She shrugged.

"Perseus feels happier today. The hearth can sense it too," she said as the flames continued burning brightly.

Just then, Apollo flashed in with the Oracle. The red-headed girl glared at him making him flinch. She turned her head and bowed to the two gods sitting at the hearth. Hestia smiled in return. "What brings you here, dear Oracle?" Rachel's green eyes turned a darker shade as she answered her.

"Something is stirring again."

The flames dimmed and Hestia exhaled sharply through her nose as she stared at her brother. She raised her hand and the flames in the hearth rose to the ceiling. Not a moment later, eleven gods appeared. "What is it, sister?" Hera asked cautiously. Hestia gestured to the Oracle.

"I think it's best the others hear about this," Rachel said. Zeus nodded his head and snapped his fingers.

A few other flashes appeared and the immortal demigods appeared. They bowed to the gods and looked up there. "You called?" The girl with blonde hair and grey eyes asked.

Zeus gestured to Rachel. The Oracle barely spared a glance to the daughter of Athena as she spoke to them. "There is another prophecy," she said with a heavy sigh behind it.

"What is it?" Athena asked. Rachel closed her eyes and when she reopened them, they were glowing. The Oracle turned her head to stare at everyone.

This will be the last war you will ever fight. Her voice still sends shudders down their spine but a visible sigh could be seen by everyone.

Or it will be the end of the universe.

Everyone froze. The end of the universe? What war were they going to fight that could mean the end of the universe? The Oracle blinked again and turned around. She walked towards the goddess of the hearth. He will return and you will be reunited with him. Hestia felt tears threatening to spill as the Oracle told her that.

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