- Eight: The past is a pain in the ass -

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Oh my freakity freak freck. [SPOILER] I don't even remember my own prophecy. What the shit. Also, here's a second chapter because I'm feeling good.


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Half of the competitors were already eliminated which was rather quick. The second task doesn't start until the evening so they had the whole day off. Renegade had woke up at six in the morning when he went for a run. When he returned, the hallways were quiet except for the occasional guards walking around. 

He went into the training room and decided on target practice. He materialised a bunch of icicle knives onto the table. Steam rose from the icicles as he picked it up. It sailed across the room before nailing it into the dummy's head.

As he threw the next few, he felt the thrill of it as he imagined the dummy as someone. A smile graced his face as nine of the icicles were in the target's head. Only one hit its chest, where its heart would have been if it was alive.


He turned around and Wayowrd's smile faltered slightly. The assassin's face hardened slightly. "You alright?" He asked worriedly. Behind the mask, Renegade blinked and the golden colour faded back into its sea-green eyes. He seemed unfazed as he replied, "Yeah."

Wayword nodded his head and plastered another smile. "Wanna head out? There's nothing much we can do here," he said. Renegade nodded his head and they headed out.

Even if Renegade had been here a few times already, he will never get over the liveliness of the place. "Good morning, Renegade!" He smiled and waved back to a family.

"Morning, lad. Who's that friend of yours?" A man in his mid-fifties asked warmly. The assassin smiled and introduced his friend, "This is Wayword." The other human waved and smiled.

"Nice to meet yer too, 'lad. Renegade is lucky to have yer as a friend," he said and winked. Wayword laughed and Renegade pouted. Wayword was fascinated by everything in the kingdom. Eventually, Renegade lost him in the crowd. The assassin chuckled and decided it was fine. He was pretty sure no one was going to kidnap him. He was simply filled with too much energy.

Just then, he heard shouting. He walked briskly towards the crowd that had gathered. Standing in the middle of the crowd were six hooded figures he thought he would never see again. Their leader held a woman by her shoulder with a knife underneath her throat. For someone who was being held at knifepoint, she was very calm.

Renegade glanced around and caught sight of Wayword. He barely jerked his head in the direction of the palace. Luckily for him, Wayword saw it and backed away from the crowd and ran towards the castle.

"We mean no harm," the leader said loudly. Renegade snorted quietly but continued watching the group. "We came here today in search of someone. I believe you have heard of him before," he said. The crowd glanced at each other in curiosity.

"His name is Renegade."

Some people shifted uncomfortably. Renegade sighed through his nose. "But, if he doesn't show up soon, well, I hope you aren't too attached to your head," he said and pushed the knife deeper drawing a drop of blood.

The assassin clenched his fist and stepped out from the crowd. "Threatening innocent blood isn't going to get you anywhere," he said. The leader glanced up and smiled unkindly from underneath his hood.

"Pity. I was hoping to see more blood," he said and smirked. Renegade remained impassive as he stared at the person.

"What are you doing here?" He asked monotonously.

The leader whipped back his head and laughed. "You of all people should know. The court is missing its Talon," he said and smirked. Renegade's eyes flashed gold for a moment before he calmed down.

"That creature is dead," he said and got ready for a fight. The leader smirked. "Is he now?"

Quinten extended from the assassin's hand. The five other figures unsheathed their swords and pointed it at Renegade. The crowd screamed and immediately dispersed while pushing each other. All five of them advanced on the assassin. He extended the other blade too and blocked all five attacks. He pushed them back and knocked one of them out within seconds.

The remaining four attacked blow after blow at the assassin. Renegade blocked every one of them and eventually, went on offence. He opened his palm and blew fire at them. Blue flames shrouded them as the attackers found it harder to attack now. Since they couldn't see the assassin, they were easily knocked out.

The flames died down and standing in a pile of bodies was Renegade. "An assassin leaves no mercy." He hated that phrase. His eyes turned golden and he picked up the person beside him and slit his throat. A splatter of blood smeared across the left side of his face.

"Happy now, Wellington?" His hatred for the person grew as he spoke his name. The man smiled wickedly and drew his sword. "I guess, we have no use of the woman then." Before it could reach her neck, it was sent back by an arrow.

Lee was holding a bow as he glared at the older assassin. Wellington snarled at him. Renegade waved his hand and the woman disappeared underneath the shadow. Renegade smirked as he advanced at him. Wellington blocked his attack and went on defence mode. Both assassins were a blur, the commanders barely saw them fight. If it weren't for their heightened senses, they would have missed it.

"Growing soft now, are we, Renegade?" Wellington taunted.

The assassin snarled and went harder. He sliced at his abdomen and the leader stumbled and fell backwards. Renegade glared down at him with his cold golden eyes.

"Becoming a hero has made you soft. You were the pride of the court. A merciless assassin," Wellington said. He didn't sound afraid as a smirk adorned his face. Renegade knew what he was trying to do.

He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Wanna test that theory?" His sword swung down. Instead of hitting the person, it met with a cloud of black smoke. The assassin's eyes flared with anger. He growled and lowered his blade. He stood tense as heavy breathing came from him.

He turned around and walked back towards the castle. The first-in-command, Edith grabbed his arm. "Was what he said true?" He asked. Renegade turned and glared at him. His golden eyes flashing a dangerous colour underneath the mask. They saw the blood on his face and knew it wasn't his. 

"Leave me alone."

He wrenched his arm free and stood tall as he walked back to the palace. His sword was still out as it glistened with blood.

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