- Forty-two: Kiss and make up -

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This story (at the moment) is no. 1 at PercyJackson tag.


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When Percy woke up, it was already evening. He walked out of his room and approached the kitchen in the Chaos' cabin—it's that big—spotting Silena making some waffles. His stomach growled at the sight and he blushed.

"Want some?" She asked chuckling. He nodded his head and sat down at the counter. She placed a plate in front of him and the smell engulfed his whole body as he sighed in content.

"Can you pass me that?" He asked pointing to the chocolate syrup.

She gave it to him and he poured it all over his food. Silena raised an eyebrow at the amount of chocolate syrup on his waffles.

"They're going to drown," she commented.

Percy stopped and looked at her. "I'm a son of Poseidon. If I can't drown, neither can my waffles," he stated with a tone of sassiness.

Silena rolled her eyes but a smile was on her face. Deciding that it was enough, she took the bottle from his hands.

"Hey!" Percy whined and huffed. He ate his waffle still eyeing the dark brown container filled with sweetness.

Silena had witnessed the change in him over the few weeks. There were some signs she recognised but she decided to ask him later.

"Is that waffles I smell?" Luke asked and made a beeline towards the counter table. Silena placed a plate in front of him and he grinned.

"Thank you~," he said in a singsong voice before digging in.

Chaos sat down beside Percy and watched him eye the bottle of chocolate syrup. The others sat down beside them and ate their's too. "Whoa. Is that suppose to be your waffles?" Michael asked as he pointed at Percy's plate.

The son of Hestia nodded his head. "It looks like it got burnt and then soaked in water," Luke commented. Percy glared at him and the first-in-command raised his hands in surrender.

Silena rolled her eyes. "That's chocolate syrup," she said.

"Seriously? That's a lot," Luke said astonished.

"Not enough," Percy grumbled unhappily. Chaos chuckled before grabbing the bottle and handed it to his unhappy lover.

The son of Hestia brightened and smiled happily. "Thank you," he said and pecked the Creator's cheek.

Silena glared half-heartedly at her king as she watched the other squeeze out more. Chaos shrugged before eating his too. Sitting there and talking about random things felt like reassurance.

At that moment, they weren't worried about the war. The only concerning thing was Percy pouring too much chocolate syrup on his waffles and Chaos allowing it.


Nico stood outside the Apollo cabin nervously. He paced back and forth thinking whether he should be here.

Sometimes(many times), he didn't know what he was doing? Surprise? Not really.

Shut up.

He sighed and felt like he was going crazy. "Nico?" The son of Hades whipped around and cursed mentally.

Will was standing a few feet away from him as he stared at the other curiously. Nico shifted from one foot to another nervously.

"I want to talk to you."

"Can I talk to you?"

The two of them stared at each before a smile broke through onto their faces.

"You go first," Will said.

Nico let out a breath before continuing, "I'm sorry."

The son of Apollo stared at him confused but let him finish first. "I was quick to judge and I didn't see the truth behind it before jumping into conclusions. I'm sorry for being such a jerk the entire time I was here," he said.

Will stared at him shocked and surprised. Nico thought he was in the wrong?

Nico felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around him and he inhaled the fragrance of (Will's cologne??). He let go and smiled at the shorter male.

"You didn't do anything wrong. It was my fault that caused you to leave camp in the first place. I was a jerk for dumping you because I thought what Luthor said was true. I love you and I won't and don't know how to love someone else," he rambled on not noticing that Nico froze.

I love you.

Will Solace had just told him 'I love you'. He felt his heart burst in happiness over and over again. All the emotions he had kept locked away came rushing back to him.

"Neeks? Did I say something wrong? I can take ba—oomph." Will widened his eyes as he was met with another pair of lips. They were cold and familiar and filled with many emotions.

The son of Apollo snaked his arms around the younger's male's waist. He missed holding him like this and it felt right and real.

Nico couldn't resist himself as he kissed the blonde. It was like everything he imagined it would be when they got back together again.

They parted leaving each other breathless. A deep red colour coated Nico's cheeks as he stared up at the blue eyes that shined with happiness. "I missed you, Sunshine," Will said as he placed their foreheads together.

Nico smiled happily as a weight was lifted off his chest. "Me too," he mumbled. A sense of peace settled down in their hearts and minds now that they have resolved their emotional conflicts.

"Come on, I have something to show you," Will said grinning whilst pulling Nico's hand along.


"Lord Chaos, what brings you and Renegade back on Zion?"

Chaos glanced at Percy who shrugged in return. "This assassin here needs a medical check-up," he said while slipping his hand into his.

The lady smiled and nodded her head. "Well, you best be off then. Oh, and it is good to see you again, Renegade," she said before leaving.

Once they walked away, Percy stared at the Creator unamused. "You make it sound like I'm sick," he stated not letting go of his hand.

Chaos shrugged and lifted his hand placing a kiss at the back of his hand. "Technically, I'm not wrong and you are my priority," he said smirking noticing the blush creeping up the assassin's face.

Percy huffed and glanced the other way from shyness and embarrassment. He felt an arm wrapped itself around his waist. "I'm sorry, darling. I'm just worried," Chaos said beside his ear sending a shiver down his spine.

Percy pursed his lips together before turning to face the Creator. "You're lucky I love you," he said pointedly.

Chaos grinned and pecked his lips. "I love you too."

Percy smiled feeling his heart dissolve into a puddle of happiness. "Come on, stop delaying your check-up," Chaos said half dragging the immortal assassin.

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