- Seventeen: Free or Perseus? -

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Haro people. Happy holidays y'all.


The next day, Free woke up with a bad feeling. It wasn't a something-bad-is-about-to-happen-bad feeling. More like a he-is-unlucky-bad feeling. He was at the steps when he heard the six commanders talking.

"Should we do a reveal?"

"You mean to the campers? Like as in tell-them-who-we-really-are reveal?"

There was a whack sound and a yelp and Renegade had to hold in his laughter. Honestly, the assassin has no idea why or how Edith became first-in-command. Because of the number of times he's being whacked at the back of the head by his wife, you'd think she's first-in-command.

"What else?"

He grumbled something incoherent before they continued.

"What for?"

"To earn their trust, duh."

"I'm not sure about that. I've done some pretty bad stuff that they might not have forgiven me yet."

Free's ears perked up. So they were all once campers? Interesting.

"What about Free?"

"What do you mean? Isn't that his name?"

Nightshade, Iros and Eve stared at the boys deadpanned. "If it is, why is he still wearing that mask?" Nightshade asked irritated. Boys are so ignorant sometimes. Their mouths formed an 'o'.

"We could make a deal with him. We'll show ourselves to him and he can show himself to us," Eve suggested. They nodded their head in agreement unaware of Renegade still standing above the steps. He decided to make himself known by making loud footstep noises whilst walking down the steps.

The six commanders quickly pulled back up their hood just as he came down. "Morning, Free," Iros said and smiled. He returned the greeting and grabbed a cup of coffee.

"What are we doing today?" He asked. The six commanders exchanged a look before Iros rolled her eyes.

"We're thinking of doing a reveal to the campers," she said. He nodded his head and sipped the caffeinated drink.

"Mhm," he hummed.

Before they could say anything else, there was a knock on their door. Nightshade stood from her seat and opened the door. Standing there was the Oracle. She smiled at them. "Can I see Renegade?" Nightshade turned to the assassin and he leapt from his seat before following her.

Once they were a distance from the cabin, he asked, "What's up?"

"Just a heads up. The gods are gonna be here. I don't know for what reason but they'll be at breakfast," she said. Percy nodded his head and continued drinking his coffee.

She stared at him. "I thought you only drank blue stuff."

He raised an eyebrow and showed her his cup. She laughed and hit his shoulder gently. "You're unbelievable." He shrugged while smiling.

They talked for a while more before walking to the dining pavilion. The six commanders were already there. He parted ways with her and sat at the table. Thirty minutes in and suddenly Luthor walked up to them.

"I've had enough. You can't just barge into my camp and act like it's yours. I demand you to show yourselves," he shouted. Everyone turned to face them.

Edith raised an eyebrow. "And what gives you the right demand things from us?"

Luthor grew red as he glared at the commander. "I'm the camp's leader. I have a right to know!"

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