- Forty: We're enga... -

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Hi. This chapter is shorter because it be like that sometimes. Here's a nice Selena Gomez song.


Will stood outside the Hades cabin nervously. Whatever courage he had summoned magically disappeared along the way to Nico's cabin.

What am I thinking? He's gonna hate me.

He let out a breath and lifted his fist. It hovered in the air for two seconds before bringing it down. There was no response and Will was about to leave when the door swung opened.

A girl with brown curly hair and chocolate brown skin stared at him curiously. "Uh, how may I help you?" She asked in a soft and kind tone.

Will hesitated before asking her, "Do you know where Nico is?"

She nodded her head and pointed in the direction of the woods. "My brother's at the lake in the forest," she said.

Will mentally facepalmed before thanking her. Stupid. Why would you think he's hooking up with her? She's his sister for gods' sake.

He ventured further and eventually found the son of Hades. The demigod immortal was sitting beside the lake with his knees to his chest.

Will exhaled through his nose and walked towards him. "Nico?" The son of Hades turned his head slightly.

The son of Apollo sat down beside him and stared ahead too. "What are you doing here?" He asked as a newfound curiosity overcame him.

Nico glanced at him before facing the front. He was quiet for a few seconds before he talked.

"I like the peace here. Not much happens except for the occasional monsters here and there," he said dismissively. Will raised an eyebrow.

"Id there why sometimes you came to the infirmary with scratches and other injuries?" He asked amused. Nico shrugged but a smile formed on his face.

"Sometimes." Will chuckled and let his gaze linger on the son of Hades a little longer.

Truth be told, he missed the once goth looking boy. He had his long hair tied into a small ponytail to keep them away from his face. Will found it cute though.

Stop it. You already hurt him, don't hurt yourself too.

Suddenly, Nico stood up and dusted his pants. "What are you waiting for? Dinner's starting soon," he said to the son of Apollo. Will stood up following the son of Hades a comfortable silence between them. 


Percy was in his room as he thought about how he was going to tell Chaos. He didn't know how the Creator would feel and he most certainly didn't want to be rejected. Every part of him was anxious and nervous to the core. He didn't notice that he had started crying until he heard a knock. He turned and standing there was a worried looking Chaos.

The Creator creased his eyebrows in concern as he sat beside the immortal assassin. He wiped his cheek gently and cupped them gently. "Darling, what's wrong?" A deep tone of concern filled them.

Percy leaned into him and Chaos wrapped his arms around his shoulders. "Hey, hey, you're fine," he said and rubbed his arm comfortingly.

The son of Hestia nodded his head in reply before sitting up again. He looked down and fidgeted slightly. "I uh have something to tell you," he mumbled nervously.

Chaos chuckled and grabbed his hands pulling them up to his lips. "You can tell me anything, Perseus," he said a smile on his face.

Percy blushed liking when the Creator said his name. He had to force himself to look away from the silver orbs that always captured his attention. "My dad said that I could bear children."

He let the information sink in as the Creator stared at him astonished. "And uh," he glanced down at his abdomen nervously, "I'm pregnant."

He waited for a reaction and was prepared for the worst. What he didn't expect was to be picked up and kissed. He widened his eyes before melting into it. A laugh escaped the Creator as he placed his forehead against his.

Percy stared at him curiously as he asked, "You're not upset?"

Chaos smiled and pulled away. "Why would I be? I love you with my everything," he said genuinely.

"And," he placed a hand on his stomach, "it's an addition to our family."

Percy smiled widely and looked up to see the biggest smile on his face. "Our family?" He breathed out. Chaos let go of his hand and went to the desk at his bedside.

He brought out a black sharpie and held Percy's hand. He uncapped the marker and drew a circle around his left finger. The assassin widened his eyes and felt tears fill to the brim again. Chaos had a big grin on his face as he looked at the other.

"Perseus Jackson, will you marry me? When this war is over, I'll get you a proper ring-."

The son of Hestia cut him off with a kiss and answered, "Yes." He pulled the Creator down again and pressed their lips together.

Chaos smiled into the kiss and pulled the son of Hestia closer. A hundred billion thoughts ran through his head and yet, the only thing that seemed to be on his mind was the fact that Perseus had just agreed to marry him.

When they pulled apart, Chaos was grinning like crazy. "Can we keep the baby a secret for now?" Percy asked quietly. The primordial nodded his head and kissed his forehead.

"Anything for you."

The Creator's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now