- Twenty-four: It's a Suicide Mission! -

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When Percy returned to the Chaos cabin, everyone could see the happy smile on his face. It was suspicious, but then again, he deserved to be happy. He faced them and immediately dropped it. "Um, hi?" He asked causing everyone to snap out of their trance.

"Where were you?" Bianca asked curiously.

Percy twisted the blue bracelet not that anyone seemed to notice. "Chaos had me do some work," he mumbled. Bianca nodded her head.

"I'm going to be straightforward with you," Luke said as he let out a breath. Bianca rolled her eyes at her husband and beat him to it.

"Are you the son of the hearth?" Luke whipped his head and pouted at his wife. She smiled at him and crossed her legs.

"You, my dear, were too slow," she said pointedly. Luke huffed before facing the assassin.

Percy stood there not knowing how to answer. The others shifted uncomfortably as he stayed still with an emotionless expression. But what they didn't know was Percy screaming his head off internally.

How did they found out? He was sure he had been discreet about them finding out about his mother. He opened then closed and opened his mouth again. "How did you find out?" Everyone let out a breath relieved.

"You were so still we thought we broke you," Beckendorf said jokingly. Percy didn't seem to find it amusing as he continued staring at them.

"We pieced it together. No one knows yet," Zoë assured. Percy let loose some tension from his shoulders. It's okay, not everybody knows about it. Yet.

Shut up, he mentally scolded.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Silena asked as her blue eyes flashed with question and worry.

Percy looked down and twisted the blue bracelet. "The prophecy was basically about how I would either save or screw up saving the universe. I don't need any more attention," he admitted quietly. He blinked the tears and wiped one that fell from the corner of his eye.

He felt arms surround him and he blinked confusedly. Bianca patted his back comfortingly. "You're not alone, Percy. If you screw up, we'll be here to drag you back to the right path," she said and hugged him tightly.

He wrapped his arms around the second-in-command's shoulders. He nodded his head in reply before sighing into her shoulders.

Percy pulled away and gave a small smile. "Thanks. I needed that," he said. She smiled happily and patted his cheek.

Suddenly, the conch horn was heard. Everyone ran out of the cabins towards the borders. The Elite team pulled up their hoods and looked at the ground. An army of monsters was approaching them. To top that off, three titans were behind them.

"Get the younger kids back to the cabin. Archers to higher ground. The rest of you, do not engage unless they are too near the border," Luke commanded.


Everyone glanced up and saw a huge boulder flying towards them. A few people screamed just as it was above them. The boulder came crashing against the forcefield. A loud thundering boom was heard as it hit the invisible barrier. The boulder was obliterated into a million pieces.

"To position now!" Everyone scrambled to their places. The Elite team went up to the edge of the border.

"Ready?" Luke asked his friends. They nodded their heads in reply before drawing out their weapons.

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