- Forty-eight: Solar Eclipse; One dead -

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I listened to his demo by Alec Benjamin while doing the ending and my heart. fucking. broke.


Everything happened so quickly.

A moment ago, everyone had left the beach to fight off the monsters. Now, Percy was facing off with Wellington.

He dodged another attack and the sword grazed the air above him. "Get back here!" The insane assassin shouted and started slashing faster at Percy.

Percy blocked his attacks using Quinten and twisted before jumping back. A good three metres in between them.

Something was off about Smith. His movement was wild and unorganised. Nothing coordinated which was strange. Percy could usually predict the assassin's movement, but now? It was like he was a different person.

"Getting tired?" Wellington mocked with a wicked grin on his face.

Yes, I am, Percy snapped mentally. He swung his blade slicing the assassin's cloak. That seemed to anger Smith more as he snarled and lunged at Percy.


Annabeth pushed opened doors after doors still not finding them. The battle had started and she felt useless for just being here not being helpful at all.

Where was she?

On Olympus.

End had hidden something valuable here. Annabeth cursed in frustration as she gripped her hair.

"Di immortals!"

She wanted to give up so badly. Tears threatened to fall as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.


The daughter of Athena whipped up her head and glanced around. Was there someone calling her or was she going crazy?

"Annabeth." Nope, someone was definitely calling her.

She stood up and followed the source. She didn't realise when she started running but she stopped when the voice stopped.

She was standing in front of a big oak door in the garden of Olympus. Annabeth reached her hand out hesitantly before pushing it open. The doors opened with a loud creaking sound before stopping wide open.

The room was dark and the only source of light was the outside and the object in the middle. It was so black that it looked like the void itself. Shivers went down the double spy's back as she stepped through.

"Totally not creepy at all," she mumbled to herself.

She took another step forward and another until she reached the centre of the room. A glass box big enough to hold them. She inhaled sharply through her nose before wiping a hand against the dusty glass container.

She saw a flash of black before the container shook. Annabeth jumped back startled before walking closer again. "Come on, you can do this," she said encouraging to herself.

She stared at the container for another second before finding a lock. Why a lock? She has no idea.

Thankfully, she learnt how to open one with a bobby pin. She heard a click before pulling open the door. A huge gust of wind blew past her making her hair fly backwards.

A look of admiration was present on her face as she stared at them.

"Now I understand why Percy treasures you so much."

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