- Nineteen: One assassin, check/ Under the Mistletoe~ -

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As I've said before,


Here's to a great Christmas and year ahead.


Blue, silver and black flags represented the three different teams. Everyone had raised doubts about the Elite team having very little people. They brushed it off and the game was about to start.

Chiron slammed his hoofs on the platform getting everyone's attention. "You know the rules. I would like to emphasize on the no killing or maiming rule," he said. The older campers cheered missing the game.

"May the best team win!"

Everyone scattered and disappeared into the forest. "You know what to do," Edith said to Nightshade and Eve. They nodded their heads and disappeared into the forest. The other five went into the forest to set up their traps and hide from prying eyes.

Renegade missed playing this game. He jumped onto a tree and onto another. Some campers passed by not noticing him. He fell into a shadow on the ground and reappeared in another part of the forest.

He scouted the hunter of Artemis' area. He found their flag hidden in between a boulder covered by a bunch of leaves. He chuckled before shadow travelling to the camper's base.

Their flag was easier to find since it was sticking out from a tree. He shadow travelled back to their base with the new information.

He appeared beside Edith who was guarding the flag. "I found both flags," he said. Edith nodded his head and pointed at the front. In the distance were campers and huntresses.

"You take the campers? I take the hunters?" Renegade asked.

"Right on," he said and they whipped out their weapons.

It was an intense fight which led to everyone but the two hooded figures standing. They fist-pumped and grinned.

"You need to work on your defence," Renegade commented.

"We do not need help from you, boy!" Phoebe spat. Renegade rolled his eyes and a horn sounded.

"The Elite team wins!"

The campers and hunters stared at them shocked. "Well, that was entertaining,"  Iros said as she held the camp's flag.

"Funny," Edith remarked and made a face at them.

"You didn't look like you needed help," Lee said and shrugged while holding the hunter's flag.

They apparated to the stage where everyone else was. "Well done, commanders," Chiron congratulated. Suddenly, a scream pierced through the air.

Renegade whipped his head and ran back into the woods with the others following in tow. They followed the sounds of screams and sobs as they ran deeper into the woods. He stopped abruptly and the commanders stared at him confusedly. Iros walked towards him and gasped when she saw what was on the ground.

A little girl was sitting on the ground crying. Her ankle was swollen yet, she didn't seem like she was crying from pain. There was someone else a few feet away from her.

He lay on the ground unmoving as blood pooled out from all sides. Not only that, there was a hole in his chest. Where his heart should be. It looked like someone had forcefully ripped opened his chest and used their bare hands to pulled it out. His eyes were wide with fear as they stayed unmoving.

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