- Twenty-three: The date and realisation -

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Initially, I wanted to make Luke a spy. Short chapter. I'm sorry.


Rachel created a rainbow and threw a golden drachma into it. "Oh fleecy, do me a solid. Show me, Nico Di Angelo, in the Underworld," she said. The rainbow shimmered before an iris message appeared.

A pale-looking boy appeared in it. Black hair that was tied back in a small ponytail. He had grown taller and muscular too. "Nico!" The son of Hades turned around and smiled at the Oracle.

"Hey, Rachel," he waved. Rachel smiled in reply.

"Can you come to camp? Find Grover too if you can," she said.

"You know why I don't return to camp anymore," he said and spat out the word camp venomously.

Rachel ran a hand through her frizzy red hair. "If I can find Percy, would you come back to camp?" She asked hopefully.

He crossed his arms and exhaled through his nose. "If you can find him." Rachel grinned and said goodbye.


"What exactly did you tell the others?" Percy asked as he was dragged by the hand out of the camp. Chaos shrugged.

"I told them you had to do some paperwork that might take a few hours," he said. Percy stared at him deadpanned.

"Paperwork? Seriously?" Chaos moved his shoulders up once before smiling. Percy rolled his eyes but the corner of his lips was tilted upwards.

Chaos had teleported them to planet Velcro. He was greeted by the beautiful greenery of the area once more. Chaos tugged his hand excitedly. Percy smiled as he followed the Creator to their date.

Percy could hear the sound of falling waters as they neared to an area. With how loud the water sounds, he assumed they were heading past a waterfall.

Sure enough, a waterfall appeared, but instead of walking past it, they stood in front of it. Percy stared at Chaos questioningly as he smiled and waved his hand. The water parted like a curtain revealing a passageway.

"Secretive, much?" Percy asked. Chaos smiled and pulled him along. The water falling behind them covering the passageway.

They walked out from the back of the waterfall cave and was greeted by a field of flowers. Percy gasped as he stared at the beauty of it. "This is incredible!" He laughed and he ran through the fields admiring everything. Chaos watched fondly as Percy excited over small things.

"Come on!" Percy pulled the older being as he let himself be dragged into the field too. The only sounds that could be heard were their laughter as they ran through the field.


When Chaos said Percy had paperwork to do, Luke was suspicious. Why would he have paperwork to do? Nevertheless, he didn't question his king's orders.

"What do we know?" He asked as he looked back at the Elite team. Bianca flicked her wrist and a holographic image of camp half-blood appeared.

"More barriers will be placed here, here and here," she said as a red shield went overhead the camp.

"We're taking turns to patrol too," Silena added. Luke nodded his head and they continued.

"We still haven't figure out who is this son of Hestia," Zoë state pointedly.

Luke sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "What if we already know this son of Hestia?" Beckendorf said after a thought. Everyone glanced at him curiously.

"I mean, the prophecy said the Creator, his army and the son of the hearth. Does that mean that someone from Chaos' army is coming too?" He asked questioningly.

Luke let it sink in as he thought about it. Who in the army would be from earth, much less a son of Hestia? Suddenly, it clicked.

"Did anyone mention how Percy survived on his own in the year after he was betrayed?" He asked. Everyone shook their heads before it kicked in too.

"Oh, my gods. You don't think...?" Michael asked as his sentence trailed off. Luke nodded his head.

"We have a certain assassin to interrogate soon," he said.

There was a knock on the door and they whipped their heads. Bianca opened it and standing there was Rachel. "Hi, I need help finding Percy," she said straightforwardly.

"He left with Chaos to do some paperwork," she said. Rachel made an 'o' shape with her mouth.

"Okay, thanks." She was about to walk off when Luke called to her.


"Is Percy still a son of Poseidon?" Luke asked carefully. A sad smile appeared on her face.

"Not since over two centuries ago," she said. He nodded his head before thanking her. Bianca closed the door and everyone faced each other with the same theory in their heads.


Percy placed the flower crown on top of Chaos' head. "You look gorgeous," he complimented. The Creator huffed but a blush coated his cheeks.

They both had a flower crown - mind you, Percy asked the Mother tree - on their heads. In Chaos's opinion, it looked marvellous on the assassin. The bright colours were a stark contrast to his hair and it brought out his sea-green eyes. Absolutely marvellous.

"Do you think we could finally be free from the world's responsibilities once this war's over?" Percy asked as he leaned onto the taller male's shoulder.

Chaos hummed softly as he thought about it. "Then who's going to take care of the universe?" He asked a smile appearing on his face.

"No one. Like you said. Let it crumble to pieces." Percy wrapped the older being's arms around himself and relaxed into them.

"Hm... that is a terrific idea," he said and tightened his hold around the immortal demigod's.

"Can you tell me about your brother?" Percy asked as he fiddled with the blue bracelet. Chaos scrunched up his face in confusion.

"Why do you want to know about him?" He asked confused. Percy shrugged.

"He's your brother," he said as if it was the most obvious answer ever.

Chaos sighed before he started. "He's older than I am and we were very close back then." Old memories flashed by as he recalled them.

"End was the most courageous person in the entire universe. It was like as if no one could break his spirit. No matter the circumstances, he was the best ar everything. I looked up to him.

We were inseparable back then. Our father had to basically pry us apart from each other," he said and chuckled.

"But things changed when we received our titles," he said sadly.

Percy held his hand comfortingly. "You received the title as the creator and he as-,"

"The Destroyer." Chaos sighed as he glanced back up at the midnight blue sky. It seemed to reflect what he was feeling now. He felt Percy shift in his arms and face him.

"He seems nice," he suggested.

Chaos let out a laughter before leaning his forehead against the other's. "Yeah. He is." They stayed in each other's embrace for a while longer before leaving unwillingly.

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