- Thirty-six: Black Rose -

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Nico had been avoiding Will for the past week. See Will on the other side of the dining pavilion? Turn back and wait until he leaves. Accidentally catching him staring? Turn around and pretend he didn't see it.

Nico didn't want to talk to the son of Apollo for various reasons. One, he broke his heart, two, they were busy finding the traitor without telling anyone. That's a lie, there was only one reason.

Will Solace broke his heart.

Being back at camp just brings back memories he didn't need reminding of. Unfortunately, he was alone that day and Will just so happens to sit beside him during practice.

Nico tensed and immediately stood up. He felt the other grab his arm, "I want to talk to you."

The son of Hades sighed before turning around to face the son of Apollo. He felt satisfaction settle down in his chest as he caught the son of Apollo checking him out. Over the past years, he had grown taller and visible muscles too.

Nico watched as Will swallowed thickly. "I'm sorry for hurting you."

Nico rolled his eyes and glared at the demigod. That, he has heard many times. Will took a deep breath before continuing, "I know I already lost my chance when I hurt you but-," he looked at the son of Hades in the eye, "I want to try to at least gain your trust again."

Well, that was new. He wasn't expecting the son of Apollo to want to gain his trust again. He pondered over it before saying, "We'll see."

He walked away feeling his heart pounding against his chest as he felt Will's stare boring into the back of his head.


Percy and the others returned to camp and he sat on his bed. He hugged himself inhaling the hoodie scent. He smiled slightly as he let himself fall onto the bed.

He let out a tired breath. Not from the lack of sleep but his mind whirling so rapidly. His thoughts were swirling like a cyclone and he was standing in the middle of it. Everything was happening so fast suddenly.

There were a couple of times he wished that everything could go back to the way it was. A twelve-year-old demigod whose only worry was retrieving the Masterbolt and then surviving with his friends.

Percy, you need to see this. Bianca's voice sounded worried in his head as he sat up and went to the big house.

The Elite team and some of the counsellors were around the meeting table. As he walked beside Bianca, he glanced down at the table. A single black rose laid there. Everyone felt the dangerous air around it as they stared at the beautiful flower.

Percy tilted his head and felt himself reach out for it. He picked it up hearing many of them suck in a breath. "Who do you think it's from?" Silena asked wearily.

He observed the rose from top to bottom and tilted his head, "End." Everyone widened their eyes in shock and surprise.

"Who is it for?" Luke asked. That was a question everyone wanted to know too. Percy spun the flower between his two fingers.

"Dunno," he lied.

Luke snapped his attention from the assassin to the others. "Check the borders. Make sure there's nothing out of the ordinary," he said and everyone agreed without arguing.

When everyone left the big house, Percy sat down on the chair. He leaned onto his palm and blew gently at the black rose. A thin layer of frost engulfed the flower in his hand.

He knew exactly who it was for. A black rose usually meant death and mourning. "Is this suppose to be a threat?" He found himself asking out loud. For exactly three seconds, there was silence before a low chuckle was heard.

Percy felt the being walk out of hiding. He inhaled deeply before looking up. His breath was caught in his throat when he saw him for the first time. If it weren't for his eye colour, he would have been identical to Chaos.

Much like the Creator, End had flawless skin and well built physical appearance. His slightly shorter midnight-black hair slicked back. Dark blue eyes that stood out just like Chaos' silver ones. They held raw power that could never be hidden and an undertone of something Percy can't quite figure out.

"What do you think?" He asked in a smooth and low voice.

His sea-green eyes filled with conflict and questions. End enjoyed the game he was playing with the other. "A solar eclipse is coming," he said and sat down opposite the son of Hestia.

"War will happen. Sacrifices will be made and love will never win," he said in a knowing tone. A hint of amusement underneath that sentence.

Percy placed the flower gently onto the table and leaned forward. "Who said anything about love?"

End imitated the action as a smile played across his face. "Love is the source of all problems."

In a blink of an eye, he was gone. Percy was left alone in the room as he stared at where End had sat moments ago. He glanced down at the frosted black rose on the table.

It was a warning and a sign. He understood the warning but not the sign. His train of thoughts was interrupted by someone, "Percy! Jon needs your help!"

He ran a hand through his hair as he stood up to leave the big house.


Poseidon was pacing on the beach as he thought about how he was going to tell his son—Percy. He needed to tell him something important. He should have told him long ago but he didn't want him having to worry over it.

He really screwed up with his only demigod son. All because of one anonymous iris message sent by the son of Hecate.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead frustratedly.

"Lord Poseidon?"

He turned around and standing behind him was the resurrected son of Hermes. His blue eyes were filled with worry. Something was going to happen. If it hasn't already happened.

"Have you seen Percy?"

Poseidon shook his head and Luke cursed softly. They went to Olympus and there was a commotion. The gods were frantic and so were the Elite warriors. "Any news?" Luke asked Bianca. She shook her head in reply.

"What is happening?" Poseidon asked lost.

Bianca turned to him, "Percy's missing and no one can find him."

"Chaos is not taking it well," Luke commented as he looked at his king who was pacing front and back.

His black hair slicked back a few times indicating he had run his fingers through them many times. Suddenly, he stopped looked up and walked towards them.

"Has any of you checked Smith's cell?" He asked.

The two commanders widened their eyes and ran in the direction of Olympus' prison.

When they opened the door, panic, fear and worry filled their hearts.

Chaos' silver eyes flashed a dark grey. Luke and Bianca immediately shoved Poseidon out of the cell. The moment the door closed, a loud thundering sound was from outside was heard. The ground below them rumbled lowly and lightning flashed across the sky.

When Poseidon finally came back to his senses, he realised that the loud thundering shout came from Chaos.

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