- Five: Ohh a surprise visit -

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I'm back guys. 16 days till Christmas! AAHHAHAHAHAHAHH. So freaking excited. Here's another chapter.


A figure ran into the shadows and disappeared before appearing a kilometre away or so. He had his hood up as he glanced up at the castle. It was nighttime so no one was out. He shadow travelled into the castle. There were no guards guarding the castle which was rather foolish.

The figure walked into the hallways in the direction of the king's room. He tilted his head as he listened closely. Other than the light snoring, there was no other sound. He picked at the lock on the door hearing the familiar click before pushing it open gently. Lying in the bed was the king sleeping peacefully. This was his target. He let his blade extend from his wrist and sliced his throat.

There was a strangled sound before it became quiet again. He left the room and immediately shadow travelled back to the base. He walked past the other assassins as they nodded their head in respect. He knocked before pushing open the big wooden doors.

He bowed before them and reported, "He's dead."

The woman sitting in the middle smiled and leaned forward. "Well done, Renegade."

The Talon nodded his head before leaving. He stood tall while he walked all the way to his room. When the door closed, he collapsed onto his bed. He let his hood slip down not worried of the court spying on him. He had a black and white domino mask on. It covered his eyes so no one could recognise him.

Not that he wanted to be recognised. His role, the Talon, was to kill whoever was assigned to him. All of whom he didn't knew. He couldn't forgive himself not because they were innocents, but because he enjoyed it.

Fifty years of being it was both torturous and thrilling. He liked the chase and adrenaline pumping in him as he hunted them down. If his mother were to see him now, she would have been disappointed and disowned him. He stopped writing to her exactly forty years ago. He didn't want her to see him now. In fact, he decided to never see her again.

After fifty years, he decided enough was enough. This time, he was going to escape and no one was going to stop him.


He knew every person that patrolled the outskirts of both in and out of the base so it was easier for him to escape. He walked swiftly towards the training room where he could use his powers. That was the only place that for some reason, powers were not restricted. Anywhere outside the training arena, powers were on shut down.

When he reached, an alarm blared out. He cursed his luck and quickly turned around. Behind him stood a few dozen other assassins. He tilted his head as he thought this through. He was prepared for a situation like this. A few minutes later, more than half of the assassins were lying unconscious and severely injured on the ground. There was a low chuckle coming from the back of the crowd.

"An assassin leaves no mercy."

Renegade tensed and glared at the person from underneath his hood. Wellington had his arms at his back as he walked to the front of the crowd. A sinister smile on his face as he glanced at the Talon. "You can't escape. You'll always be tied down to this place. You belong to us," he said with no sympathy.

Renegade snarled at him. "I belong to no one," he said. The other assassins started advancing on him as he dodged every one of them and knocked them out. He had to resist every urge not to break their necks. That was what the Talon would have done, but he wasn't it anymore. After another minute, he glanced at his ex-mentor. A smirk on his face that only meant trouble. Before he could react, Renegade vanished.

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