- Twenty-six: Hard as metal -

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If ATLA was real, what bender would you be? I'd be an earthbender. Toph is my favourite.

Happy New Year everyone. :)


Percy walked further behind than the two commanders. The journey to rescue their fellow commanders was silent and torturous. Zoë could feel the anger rolling off of Luke's shoulders as she walked behind him.

She had never seen him so furious before and it scared her. Anger causes recklessness and being reckless is something they couldn't afford to have. As she glanced back to the assassin at the back, his aura was shut off and distant.

She couldn't see his face but she knew something was wrong. It wasn't just this that made her feel uneasy. He seemed to be... breaking. She didn't know how to explain. It was like as if he was slowly losing bits and pieces of his spark every day.

"We're here." She whipped her head and looked up. The familiar castle appeared into view as they crept behind the rock.

"We enter by the back," Luke said and the two of them nodded.

Once they were at the back, Luke knocked out the guards on duty and entered the back door. "They keep prisoners in the highest floor," Percy mumbled as they hid from the guards. Luke ran first as they ran up the stairs. Zoë followed next then Percy.

They reached the highest floor and went through ever cell. "I found them!" Zoë whisper-shouted. The other two ran towards her and peeped at the cell hole. Bianca and Reyna were laying unconscious on the floor.

"Well, well."

The three of them whipped and glared at the person. Luke recognised the person as the unknown figure who had entered camp borders. The one that Percy flung across the the island. He was focusing mostly on Percy. "You've grown soft, Renegade," the person said and cocked his head to the side.

The assassin snorted, "Still tough enough to beat your ass." The person clicked his tongue as he smirked.

"Destroyer will be very pleased to see you," he commented. Percy glared at him and placed his hand on his ring.

"Ah ah. Touch your weapons and those two get it," he said and pointed to the cell behind them. The three of them hesitated before pulling their hands back.

"Remove all weapons on them."

They were thrown into the cell too. "Sleep tight, little Talon," a cold laughter was heard as he walked away.

Luke slammed his fists on the metal doors and cursed. He knelt beside Bianca and shook her awake gently. The daughter of Hades stirred and opened her eyes. "L-Luke?" The son of Hermes sighed in relief before wrapping his wife in a hug. Zoë helped Reyna sit up as they looked around.

Percy was on the floor fiddling with his blue bracelet. He could escape this place with ease. He had perfected his metal-bending(deal with it) but he didn't want to use them yet.

"Percy?" The assassin looked up and forced a smile. Bianca, buying the smile, smiled too.

"What happened?" She asked and leaned against Luke's shoulder.

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