- Forty-nine: Solar Eclipse; Is this the end? -

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Everyone returned to within the borders of Camp Half-Blood. Chaos held Percy close as they stared at the covered body. The son of Hestia felt cold even when he stood beside the fire.

Everyone stared at them confused until they saw who was underneath the blanket. Athena let out a cry as she collapsed beside her daughter's body. She held Annabeth close to her chest as tears flowed down continuously.

Hestia comforted her as she cradled her dead daughter's head. Luke and Thalia were devastated. Annabeth was their family. She was what brought them together in the first place.

Now she's gone.

"We need a shroud for the daughter of Athena," Percy mumbled loud enough for the people around him to hear.

It was made of grey silk with Athena's symbol on it. Her hands placed over one another as her knife stayed in between. Her skin was deathly pale as she stayed motionless.

"We'll miss you," Luke mumbled. Bianca held his hand comfortingly as she too felt disheartened.

Thalia came up next wiping away a tear. "I'm sorry," she managed to say out before walking away and covering her mouth. The hunters of Artemis hugged their lieutenant comfortingly.

Athena walked up and smiled down sadly at her daughter. "You were a hero. No one can change that," she said and brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

Finally, Percy went up. He glanced down at her. There was a calm look on her face that had never been there before until now. What was he supposed to say?

When he looked up, three translucent figures stood in the distance.

Wayword, Order and Annabeth.

A tear rolled down his cheeks carrying all their memories together. "We promised to have each other's back," he said as he continued glancing at the three ghost-like figures.

Annabeth smiled softly at him encouraging him.

"And you were right. You had my back," he said gaining the courage to continue.

"And I didn't lose you."

A gentle smile graced his face as he glanced down back to her. He leant forward and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"You have been and always will be my best friend."

Percy felt a hand slip into his and he looked up. Chaos smiled at him and kissed his temple. Percy looked back at the campfire and they were gone.

It left a sense of peace around them as they watched the body burn with the shroud. White smoke rose into the air into the night sky. Percy watched as it disappeared into the night as if it was never there.

Suddenly, he collapsed.



They waited outside anxiously as the light in the ER was still red. It has been seven hours and everyone was losing their patience. Silena had to use charmspeak on them to calm them down.

A baby cry could be heard and this seemed to surprise most of the people there. They waited for Apollo to come out and he was immediately bombarded with questions.

"How is he?"

"Is he alright?"

"Was that a baby?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"What's its name?"

Apollo stared at them annoyed. He raised a hand effectively stopping them from asking any more questions. "Percy will be fine. He's resting," he said slowly. Everyone sighed in relief.

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