- Thirty-five: Trouble in Paradise -

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"No! Who puts fruits cake? That's so healthy," Luke said slightly disgusted. Zoë stared at him unamused and smacked the back of his head.

"Exactly. Not everything has to be healthy," she said and placed strawberries at the top of the icing.

Luke grumbled and rubbed the back of his head. Bianca chuckled and patted his head gently. "What's so bad about fruits in cakes?" Chaos asked as he came down from one of the hallways.

Everyone turned to him and Zoë smirked. "See? Even Chaos agrees," she said triumphantly.

Luke faced his king and replied, "Because cake is supposed to be about eating unhealthy things on a person's birthday and not," he turned to glared half-heartedly at Zoë, "be nutritious."

Zoë rolled her eyes. "Do you really want to argue with me, Luke Castellan?" She asked and sternly crossed her arms.

Luke shook his head quickly mumbling, "No ma'am."

Bianca laughed and kissed his cheek affectionately. "Did you stay over?" Zoë asked the Creator as she placed a plate of waffles in front of him. He thanked her before humming in reply.

"Any reason why you stayed over?" Luke asked already knowing the answer. Well, not all of it, that is.

Chaos turned his face to him and smirked at him. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He said and pointed his fork at the commander.

Luke huffed and stuck his tongue out. Chaos rolled his eyes and continued eating his waffle.

Percy came down a while later looking tired. His hair was more tousled than usual, even with his bed head. He sat down beside the Creator and unconsciously laid his head on his shoulder. His black fringe falling over his eyes.

He mumbled something quietly and Chaos chuckled before turning his head to kiss his forehead. The son of Hestia was wearing a grey hoodie that was a little too big for him. Bianca creased her eyebrows. Percy didn't own that hoodie. So who did that belong-, oh. She felt a smile creep up her face as she watched the two of them.

Zoë placed a cup of tea in front of the immortal demigod as he took it gratefully and sipped it cautiously. "What are we doing today?" The daughter of Atlas asked.

Luke stuck his fingers out as he counted, "Training the campers, gods and figuring out the stupid prophecy."

Percy, now more awake, raised an eyebrow. "We're still figuring out the prophecy?" He asked.

"Yep," Luke said popping the letter 'p'.

Percy sighed through his nose and drank his blue tea unhappily. Chaos chuckled and kissed his temple. "You'll be fine," he said and flashed a dazzling smile. Percy blushed and nodded his head in reply unable to use his words.

Suddenly, a bang came from the doors. Bianca opened it. Standing outside was her brother. "Neeks? What are you doing here?" She asked and hugged her brother. He hugged back while replying worriedly, "The diseased plants or whatever just got worse. Now, the whole field is dead."

They ran out to the field and sure enough, the whole place was covered in a layer of blackness. "There was a message too," Nico said as he showed them a piece of paper.

"The sun will be gone soon. That's when I will arrive," Luke read out loud. A thick atmosphere surrounded them as they pondered over the letter.

"What does the sun will be gone soon mean?" Bianca asked as she grabbed the paper. She flipped it back and forth trying to see if there was anything else.

"Beats me," Luke replied.

"Solar eclipse," Percy said.

"What?" Zoë asked confused.

"It's when the sun is obscured by the moon," Luke explained.

Zoë looks astonished, "The sun can be covered?"

"When the sun, moon and earth are aligned, a solar eclipse happens. It only happens every 360 to 410 years," Luke said.

"And a total eclipse will occur, but when?" Bianca asked.

Percy shook his head. "Call the other Elite team and cabin counsellors. We'll get the Olympians," Percy said and he grabbed Chaos' hand apparating away.


When they reappeared in the throne room, some of them were already in there. "Can you call the others?" Percy asked his mother. She nodded her head and let the flames at the hearth rise into the atmosphere.

Seven flashes appeared and they sat on their thrones. He caught some of them giving him looks and he stared at them confused. "What?" They shook their heads in reply.

Aphrodite was smiling widely. She had her head in her hands as she sighed contently. Percy decided to ignore them because, well, they're gods.

"Why have you called us, nephew?" Zeus asked with a calm tone.

"End is planning an attack. When is the next full solar eclipse?" Percy looked at the god of the sun and the goddess of the moon.

They glanced at each other before answering him together, "Nine months."

The news shocked them. Nine months was too soon. Percy was running different scenarios in his head as to what will happen. They only had five months to prepare before something disastrous happened.

Percy felt a wave of dizziness overcome him as he quickly calmed his mind. Chaos noticing his sudden discomfort held his hand comfortingly. The son of Hestia shot him a grateful smile.

Zeus let this new information sink in. In nine months, Olympus will once again be threatened. As much as he hated to admit it, he has never met the being before and therefore, cannot make a plan. Even if he did, it would most probably be not useful.

He admits that he has put the lives of many immortals in danger because of his unruly and selfish behaviour. This time though, he was willing to let someone else come up with a plan even if it means putting his ego aside.

"What do you plan on doing?" Zeus asked Percy. The son of Hestia stared at the king god surprised and he wasn't the only one.

Nonetheless, he replied, "For the moment, we'll train the campers and Olympians. We have Smith in the cells. He could be our only source of information."

The Elite team and counsellors appeared in the throne room. "So, we prepare for the eclipse then," Rachel said after they went through the plan with them.

The nodded their heads and the council meeting was dismissed. Percy pulled Chaos, Luke, Clarisse, Zoë, Rachel and Nico outside of the throne room.

"So have you figured out who the spy is?" Rachel asked quietly. The five of them who had spoken with Smith shook their heads.

"No, but we have ideas," Luke said.

"Is Luthor part of the list?" Nico asked hopefully.

They stared at him weirdly. He shrugged his shoulders. "What? This could just be another reason for me to send skeletons after him again," he said with an innocent smile. Percy rolled his eyes but couldn't help but feel proud of his cousin.

"We find the spy and until we know for sure who it is, we don't tell anyone? Not even Bianca or Annabeth?" Rachel asked questioningly as he glanced at Luke.

"No," Percy replied quietly. She nodded her head in understanding before looking Percy from head to toe.

"What? Why does everyone keep staring at me?" He asked confused and annoyed.

Rachel smirked at his obliviousness, "You're wearing your boyfriend's hoodie."

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