- Thirty: Beckendorf sides with Luke -

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Whaddup people. How's life? I had to. I ship Reylo. 🚢 choo choo.


"You said it wouldn't harm him too much!"

A low deep chuckle was heard.

"Yes, but did he die?"

There was a slight hesitation before the spy shook its head. The other figure leaned back on his throne. "Exactly."

The spy dropped it's shoulders in defeat. "What happens now?" End bent forward and smirked.

"We wait. It won't be long until it happens."


[ Flashback ]

Renegade was in the middle of the woods when he heard a cry of pain. He dashed towards in the direction and stopped abruptly.

Surrounding a small creature were a few huntsmen. They had weapons from knives to swords to spears. "This little fella will bring us good money," one of them said in a gruffy voice. The others laughed along in agreement.

There was a small whine and whimper coming from the foot of the huntsmen. Renegade saw a tail swish by one of their legs. He decided that he wasn't going to allow the creature get sold off.

Suddenly, the shadows started to flicker around the huntsmen. They didn't seem to notice as they continued bickering about the market price.

One of them screamed and was dragged into the forest. The other huntsmen whipped out their weapons not knowing what they were being attacked by. "Come out!" The first one who spoke shouted.

Renegade smirked and surrounded them. He walked stealthily behind one of them and opened his palm. He blew at it and a blue flame spread from his hand to the huntsman.

"Lad'! Yer on fire!" They started to pat at the fire but to no avail. The fire spread to the others making them try to put it out by themselves.

Renegade laughed quietly as he made little finger movements that made the fire spread. "This wretched place is cursed! Let's get the hell out of here!" They started running into the forest while trying to put out the fire.

Renegade chuckled and walked out of his hiding place. There was a hissing sound and the assassin looked down. Sitting on the floor was a baby dragon. It's green eyes staring at Percy calculatingly. Blue and black scales that contasted each other well.

He knelt on one knee and smiled at it warmly. "It's okay. They're gone now," he said. The dragon tilted its head and cooed softly. It hissed before stepping back.

The assassin looked down and noticed its injured leg. He walked forward slowly showing that he wasn't a threat. He waved in the air and water surrounded his fingers.

He gently placed them on its injured leg and the wound started to close up. The dragon stared at him curiously. Once its leg healed, he stood up slowly and began to run around excitedly. Renegade chuckled as the dragon flew around excitedly. It landed beside him and made a noise at the back of it's throat.

"Alexander." Percy raised his eyebrows at the dragon.

"You're name is Alexander?" He asked curiously. The dragon nodded its head and offered a toothy smile.

Renegade smiled at the dragon. "I'm Percy."

[ Flashback ends ]

"Percy! Percy! Percy! Please?"

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