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Taehyung wanted nothing more in his life than to be a famous idol. Not because of the money, the fame or anything like that. He wanted to do it because he wanted to share his love of music. He's worked hard. He's taken vocal lessons and dance lessons, all he could to reach his goal.

Now here he is waiting for the global auditions. Waiting for the moment the gates to his dreams open up. His dream he worked so hard for and he'd be damned if he didn't get it.

But auditon after audition and he was given sad looks and a huge no. Not because he couldn't sing, not because he couldn't dance and most definitely not because he had didn't have the looks. It was one common problem.

"Look kid. You have everything we need and look for in an idol. You're perfect but times change and the people want different. They don't want another male artist to debut, they want a fresh face, more preferably, a female. It's not you. It's just buisness. We got to give the people what they want yeah? Good luck kid. Maybe one day we'll see you at the top."

All because he wasn't a woman!? Because the people want a female idol!? What does it even matter!? Buisness!? What about dreams? Some people dream of having this type of life and they cut Taehyung's off all because he wasn't a girl.

It hurts you know. To work so hard for something and turn around to have it snatched away from you. It hurts. It really...

"Hey you! Boy with the brunette hair!"

Taehyung looked up from the bench he was currently sulking on at the man as he ran as fast as he could. He had seen the man. He gave him a look, a look that meant he had a chance. Of course though, they said no to him. He stood up when he approached him, out of breath.

"You! I saw you in the... Audition thingy right?"

"Uh yeah. I auditioned." Taehyung mentioned as he looked at the disheveled boy.

"I look terrible, I know. I had to run out here if I wanted to catch you. I'm just glad my efforts didn't go to waste. Can we go back inside to my office. I want to chat for a little bit."

Hope. Just a glimmer of hope. Taehyung immediately nodded hoping that this was it. It wasn't a long walk, before he was seated in a neat little office room.

"Ok so, my name is Jimin." He reached his hand over and gave Taehyung a bright smile.

"I'm Taehyung."

"Good. So, I happened to be passing by and I saw your audition. It was amazing really."

"Thank you so much." Taehyung stood and bowed. Jimin scowled and Taehyung sat down immediately.

"Anyways, it was really upsetting to see them say no to you. Did you peep the big man in front?" Taehyung snickered but nodded as he remembered the burly man that honestly scared him.

"Yeah, so he's like the main man in charge. Of course if he said no its basically over for you."

Taehyung nodded sadly.

"But there's me and I'm nicer. I wanted you. You're great. It took a long time to convince him but he agreed. He agreed to letting me be your manager."

"Wait does that mean.. " Taehyung asked with bright eyes. Jimin nodded.

"Yep. You're going to be an idol under my wing. You'll be like my little bird. I'll nurture you until it's time for you to take flight." Jimin said gesturing. Taehyung was sure his new manager had an ego bigger than the moon. Before Taehyung can thank him a 'but' was said. That's never good.

"But, we'll have to tweak a little things about your physical appearance."

"W-what does that mean?" Taehyung asked a little nervous.

"It means, you'll be having to dress a girl. I mean look at you! You have the body, the face with some makeup and with just an extra bit of training, we can get that voice to the right pitch if we really tried."

Taehyung knew his voice was octaves deeper than any mans voice. So how are they supposed to raise that pitch up?

"I mean are you sure? That's a good idea?" He asked. Jimin only slid the contract in front of him.

"You can read over this and I will let you think this over tonight. You'll give me an answer tomorrow though. If you agree, we need to get started on them vocals immediately."

Taehyung read the contract over, twice to be exact.

He laid in bed that night thinking. It was the perfect opportunity to fulfill his dreams. This was what he worked day and night for right? It was just a few tweaks. It wasn't anything too bad. He was sure this was fine.

The next morning, he found himself writing his name on the contract. With a small stroke on the 'g' it was decided for him.

It was then that it was decided that he would be Ki Yesuel. Later to become an icon to people across the world.

Ki Yesuel, one of the greatest female artist of all time.

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