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written by: #1Suelie
As all the Suelies know, our favorite Ki Yesuel has just dropped a bomb new album. Yet many fans are concerned, disappointed, or confused at this point.

Yesuel just dropped her newest album ...
just hours ago. For those of the people who are confused, believe me, I'm right along with you.

The album cover really is what sparks the confusion. It's.. average? Nothing like the extravagant album covers she usually does. It's only boring. It also has two images of a man whom no one had ever seen or quite possibly heard of before.

Besides the pictures, there's no colors. It's only a white background with the album name in black. Not at all how are lovely Yesuel has done before.

It also sparks disappointment. The album consists of only three tracks. That's honestly not even considered an album. Fans are upset that they have waited for a long time to get three songs. THREE!?

And lastly the confusing part. There are people who really looks into the lyrics of a song as they listen to it. Us Suelies know that Yesuel always put messages in her song. Their main concern is in her title track.

It talks about identity. Many lines stating that she's not who we think she is, that she's been hiding from the world and wants to reveal the truth. Along with the confusion there is concern. Is something big going to happen for us Suelies? I hope it's something good.

Many people also speculated on her song 'I LOVE YOU'. It seems she's no longer taking to us. Many Suelies says she wrote the song for a person whom she really misses, loves and wants to apologize too. If that's the case I really hope that the person she wrote the song for can hear it loud and clear.

We're concerned about Yesuel. During her break, a lot of things seemed to happen to her. I'm glad that she's taken the time to share that with his. I hope Yesuel reads this.

No matter what, the true Suelies will support you Ki Yesuel.

December 13, 2019
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Yeah after listening to the title track, I have a theory that her big reveal probably has something to do with who she is
It's kinda nerve-racking 😬

I feel bad for her. In her song about the boy she's falling in love with and leaving her is kinds sad
I hope they come around to each other

I agree with the writer of this
I feel something big is going to happen soon

I hope that whatever it is, it's something good
Yesuel, I hope you're ok

She's sooo overated.
I used to Stan but it feels like things aren't the same anymore
I'm sorry Yesuel but you've lost a fan
It was nice stanning you while it lasted

Let's be positive. I'm sure that everything will be fine
We will support her no matter what right?

Girl you are concerning us!
Like we need you tweet or talk about this or something
You got the whole world concerned about you and your three track album

She lost a best friend:(
I lost a friend before
I hope they can figure things out and things get better

This has literally nothing to do with the story but I just want to share this with you guys
I just found out that (as a Taekook shipper) my best friend is a JiKook shipper. Like omg
So we promised to look past that part (since we had a small disagreement about which one was more real than the other) and not be reminded of the ships we're sailing on
Love her to pieces though
That was just a quick story lol

To the comment above, nobody cares. This ain't about you
This is about our precious Yesuel who seems to be having an identity crises.
Wish her the best Suelies!
All the chapters are already written and I'm now going through to sort of edit them. Thanks for bearing with me my Taekookies!

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