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"So you basically came to Seoul so you can see Yesuel right?" Namjoon asked the young boy.

"No. I came here because I needed too. Getting a ticket to see Yesuel just happened to be a plus." Jungkook says setting up his side of the studio.

"If you came yesterday you could have seen her concert." Yoongi told him as the younger groaned.

"I know. You don't have to remind me that I missed her concert. Still one of the saddest moments in my life." Jungkook pouts.

"But this makes up for it because I get to actually talk with her." Jungkook says.

"Such a fan boy." Yoongi teases him. Jungkook glares at him.

"I just really like her music ok?" He says. They snicker at him.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have a crush on her." Namjoon says turning to face Jungkook.

"Is this the kind of welcome I get? If I knew this I would have stayed in Busan." They older two got up and tackled the younger one.

"Aw. We missed you, you little brat!" They said smushing his cheeks and ruffling his hair. He swats their hands away and they snicker.

He fixes his hair back to the way it was and glares at them.

"I don't want to mess up my hair! I'm going to the fan meet once I clean up my studio." He scolds them.

"We'll straighten up the studio for you. Get all your things so you can go and see your majestic Yesuel." They tease him.

"Really?" He asks ignoring their teasing. They nod.

"Yep. You better hurry so you can make the signing." They tell him. Jungkook grabs all the things he wanted to get signed and thanked his hyungs before speed walking down to the place of the signing.

He knew he probably missed the first signing but was more than willing to wait if he could meet Yeseul in the end. He was scanned before they let him in. He held his bag close to him as he walked through the crowd of mingling fans.

The second signing was just beginning. He didn't want to wait in that long line so he would just get in when the line was shorter. He was probably going to be the last person to get signed but it didn't matter to him.

He sat down out of the way as he took some breaths. He pulled out a granola bar to snack on while he waited. The line was seeming to never end and he really had to use the bathroom. He asked a nearby fan if they knew where the bathrooms were and they pointed him in some direction, not really clear enough for him to understand.

He just followed to where he thought the person pointed too. He ended up in a dimly lit hallway. Maybe they were down this way. He walked some more until he ran into a man, sweeping.

"Ah excuse me sir? Do you know where the bathrooms are?" He asked. The older man looked at him through his glasses.

"Oh young man. The bathroom is right down that way." He said. Jungkook bowed before walking just a bit further. He looked at the bathroom that said staff on it. The older man must have thought he worked here.

Jungkook really had to use the bathroom and debated whether or not he should keep looking for the right bathrooms or just use this one and get out of there. He decided on the latter as he pushed the door open.

The first thing he noticed was the wig on the sink. That was weird. He opened the stall and used it as quick as possible. There was clearly someone else in here and he just needed to be out before them or wait till they left.

He finished quicker than the other person who seemed to be peeing out a whole waterfall. He snickered at the thought. He washed his hands hoping to get out.

The other stall came open and out walked a female. That gave him even more anxiety. Was this the females bathroom?!

"Ah! I didn't know anyone else was in here!" The person squeaked out. Jungkook let his eyes travel to the embarrassed and seemly afraid female.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yes I'm fine." She said shielding her face from Jungkook. They both jumped at the sound of something hitting the floor. Jungkook peeked at what it was and noticed the head piece.

"Taehyung! What the hell are you doing in the bathroom!? Everyone is waiting for you to come out and finish the signing!"

Someone yelled through the earpiece as it was heard in the quiet bathroom.  Taehyung snapped his head up knowing damn well, the stranger heard it. Sure enough he was staring at Taehyung in shock.

No way...

"You're Ki Yesuel!"

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