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"Wait!? You knew all of this and you didn't tell us!? I thought we were your hyungs!" The boys complained to the younger boy. He put his hands up in defense.

"It wasn't my place to tell you guys!" He said.

They had just found out that the boy who's been coming there for the past few months was actually a girl idol who was dominating charts across the world. Shocking.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you guys. I was scared." Taehyung told them. They sighed but pulled him into a hug.

"It's fine. It's ok. We know now so that's ok. All that's left to do is for us to support you ok?" They say. Taehyung looked at them with bright eyes.

"So you're not gonna leave me!? You're still my friends?" He asked.

"Of course we're not leaving you and we are most definitely your friends Taehyung. We got your back." Taehyung hugs them again, much tighter this time.

"Thank you!" He says. They rub his back. After they all chat a bit more and get some details about the whole situation, Jungkook piped up.

"Guys? Can I talk with Taehyung, privately please? It's really important." He says. They nod.

"Of course. Make it quick or we'll start eavesdropping." Jin states. Namjoon scowls at him, making him leave the room much faster. Once the door was closed completely, Jungkook turned to Taehyung.

"Listen Kookie. Before you say anything, I have to say this. I'm so freaking sorry. Those things I said to you, telling you to leave, I didn't mean it. At all. If anything, I wanted you to stay. I felt this but it was kind of unspoken. You inspired me to write the original album. I want to say thank you for that. I didn't mean to say those mean things. You mean a lot to me Jungkook. You're one of the few people who was there for me. I know you're probably going to be like 'oh but like we just met, this is too fast, blah blah blah' but I don't care and I have to say this. From the moment I got to know you, I feel so deep in love with you. I love you Jungkook."

Jungkook felt his breath hitch. This was crazy. This was not something he expected as an outcome of an arrangement to just be roomies for a bit. What he didn't expect was for the feelings to be returned.

"I love you too Taehyung. From the day I've known you existed, I fell in love with you. Not for money or looks but for how hard working you are. You're and amazing person Taehyung. I promise you that we will work our hardest to get everyone to see the real you and to support you no matter what." Jungkook stated.

"Hey Kookie?" Taehyung asked after a time of silence.

"Yes Tae?" They met eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" Taehyung asked out of the blue. Jungkook turned red at the sudden directness. He found himself leaning forward to connect lips with Taehyung.

"Oh ma gawd! They're kissing!" Jin yelled with the utmost of love. He made smoochy noises and the two pulled apart.

"Sodjsosoejcurywywjstw!" Jin said, no one really knowing what he's talking about.

Taehyung and Jungkook decided to talk about that kiss later. It was time for them to be leaving, so they helped the stylists pack everything up and load it all into their van. Afterwards, Jungkook went home with Taehyung.

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