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A few days ago

"Done, done and done." Jungkook sighed as he pushed away from the desk. He got up and stretched.

Jin was busy scrolling on his phone.

"What are you doing hyung?" Jungkook asked, getting closer to his older friend.

"Nothing, what's up?" Jungkook sat properly as he started to get embarrassed by the things he was going to say.

"You claimed I was in love. Well I  think, I really am."

"Of course you are." Jin teased.

"Since I have like, a crush on him or something, how can I win him over?" Jungkook asked.

"How cute." Jin pinched Jungkook's cheeks.

Jin explained multiple methods to show that you care about that person.

"Sometimes people are really oblivious and you just wanna make it as obvious as possible." Jin explained.

They talked some more about other methods.

"The best one is to make him breakfast, his favorite breakfast. Do you know what his favorite food is?"

"Yes. He's told me before."

"That's even better. Now he'll know you remember the little things about him. People find that heartwarming."

"So make him some breakfast?"

"With nothing but the best ingredients. You need perfect food for that perfect someone." They laughed.

"So it's all a part of a bigger plan. Just remember the little things. Those mean the most." Jin told him.

The door came open and in walked Yoongi and Namjoon.

"Hyungs? How's the renovation planning going?" Jungkook asked. They sighed.

"They aren't going to allow us."

"What why?!" Jungkook jumped up.

"That's what I want to know. It's stupid. Dumb reasons that they won't even tell us. They just said no." Yoongi frowned deeply.

"Hey Yoon, why don't you go home ok? Joon and I will look over more catalogs." Yoongi gladly took that offer. He was seconds away from punching something and he didn't want that something to be his friends.

"Thanks guys. I'll see you tomorrow." He left the studio and everyone sighed.

"He was this close. I know how much this studio renovation means to him. It meant a lot to me too." Namjoon said.

"Why'd they say no?" Jin asked.

"Our insurance won't cover it." Namjoon sighed.

"Don't worry though. We can find another catalog for renovations. It'll be good." Namjoon said with a smile, hiding his sadness.

They spent a few minutes trying to cheer the guy up. It worked. Namjoon decided it was best to close up early.

"I'll close up. Go and check on Yoongi hyung." Namjoon nodded and tossed Kook the key.

"Thanks." Jungkook saved all of his files.

"Don't forget ok? Make him breakfast. A good one."

Jungkook nodded.

"Thanks hyung. I think I have this whole plan planned out. I owe you."

"You've always owed me." Jin scoffed.

"Now I'm not giving you anything."

"You are so disrespectful, you know that?! I won't do anything else for you."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Jungkook laughed, loving how much he pissed his older friend off.

"I hate you, brat."

"I love you too Jin." Jin gasped as Jungkook only laughed.

"How dare you?! I am your hyung!" Jungkook resorted to hugs to make up for his brattish behavior.

"Get home safe you brat. Even though I don't like you, I'd be sad if you went missing or something."

"You too hyung. Not that I would care but.."

"I take that back. I hope you get kidnapped and never come back. Oh wait, the kidnapper might not want to keep you considering how much of a brat you are." Jin huffed.

"I'm kidding hyung. Get home safely, I'm being serious. Text me to let me know how Yoongi hyung is."

"Ok Kook. See you tomorrow."


They parted ways. Jungkook wanted to go grocery shopping for some fresher strawberries.

He gave Taehyung what he needed and made dinner for the both of them. He cut the strawberries and put them in a bowl to keep them fresh for tomorrow.

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