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"That one fits well. I want that one." Taehyung says checking off his songs. Jungkook sighs.

"You know, this would be much easier if you know, let me see the songs." Jungkook groaned trying to take a peek. Taehyung pulled his notebook back.

"Nope. When I finish with everything, you'll be the first one to see it." Taehyung promised. Jungkook laughed.

The two were halfway through their deal. They have gotten significantly closer. All of their friends noticed but they swear they're just friends. Sometimes the things they would say or do contradicted their statement.

Everyone seemed to realize that they sometimes shamelessly flirted but they called it friendly bantering. It was really something.

They loved having their rich friend around. Taehyung loved to spoil his new friends and they were all for it.

He was just a bit upset with himself. He hated having to lie to them. He wanted nothing more than to tell them the truth. They were his friends, so they would support him right?

There were times were he had come close to telling them everything, as the guilt was eating him up inside. Jimin advised him not to.

"You just them met them. You guys aren't even that close. That's the equivalent of telling a stranger your secret."

"I trust them though." Taehyung pouted.

"You trust everyone but not everyone is meant to be trusted."

"Why are you being so... Grouchy?" Taehyung pointed out. Jimin sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"No, I'm not being a grouch. I just want you to be safe in the long run. I don't think you're quite ready to risk this all."

"I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions."

"Taehyung listen. I've been with you for years on top of years. I know you better than anyone else I know at that company. I know how much this career means to you. You'll be broken if you lose it all."

Taehyung bit his lip. Maybe he would be a bit upset. Ok maybe a lot upset. It would devastate him to lose what he had gained. He still wanted to get more things across before he would even think about giving up this life.

"You might be right. I still feel bad for lying though. I promise to soon, tell everyone everything." Taehyung said.

"Ok. Just not right now ok? Don't hurt yourself in the long run." Taehyung nodded. He wouldn't.

His album was coming along just fine. There were times were he wanted to be a lazy potato but he was happy that he had someone who was there to motivate him to keep going.

"I don't want to. Just let me have the day to myself." Taehyung groaned into his pillow. Jungkook hit him with the pillow over and over and over again.

"Come on Tae! I want you to finish it so I can listen to it! Don't you get a break interval after album productions?" He asked. Taehyung groaned.

"Yeah like two weeks. Then it's album planning and showcases and all of that fine stuff. I want a break now."

Jungkook stopped harrasing Taehyung with the pillow and plopped down next to him.

"I'm here to help you Taehyung. If we work hard together, we can get the album ready and you can have all the time after to rest. We can do it."

Taehyung smiled and sat up.

"Yeah, we can do it."

"There it is." Jungkook brought in his computer and sat it on the bed. He ordered them something to eat while they worked hard that night getting to album together.

The (according to Jimin) thorn in Taehyung's side had grown on him. He was happy with having him around. Sometimes he wished that Jungkook never had to leave.

It could be them and his friends. They could be together like, forever.

"You weren't supposed to get attached Taehyung." Taehyung scolded himself. He knew Jimin wouldn't be very happy with how attached Taehyung had gotten to Jungkook.

And for just some moments, he would think that maybe the way he was feeling was something a little more than attachment, or even friendship.

For even a few moments he would think to himself that maybe, maybe a little...

He was in love.

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