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"Yesuel! We love you so much!" The crowd screamed and some were even crying.

"I'd love to stay longer but unfortunately that's all the time I have. I promise to be back as soon as possible though!" A kiss was given to the crowd making them go into a frenzy. It amazed her everytime, how a simple gesture can cause such a huge reaction.

Yesuel waved to the crowd every second of the time where she had to leave. When it was over, she sighed contently.

She switched off her earpiece and made sure all the mics were off as well. When she was sure that she wasn't connected to the stage anymore, she sighed relieved.

"Can you get me a bottle of water please?" Taehyung asked and the man nodded going to get the idols water.

"Taehyung!" He turned his head to see his manager running to him.

"Taehyung do you see this!? These are our sales. You filled out the whole venue, again!" Jimin praised him. Taehyung smiled as he drank some of his water.

"That's good. Now come on. I'd like to get out of these clothes now." Taehyung said, Jimin following behind.

"I'll make note to immediately set this as a tour stop." Jimin mumbled, tapping rapidly on his iPad.

"Ah Taehyung! We watched your performance. Great job." He smiled at the stylists who congratulated him.

"Thank you, thank you." He said laughing along with the staff. He took a seat in the chair as the stylists began to help him take the extensions out.

"You have a fan meet tomorrow by the way."

"What? But I just performed today. Shouldn't it be the day after tomorrow?" He asked.

"Well it's going to be your last day in this area since all the others were delayed. It has to be tomorrow." Jimin explained.

"Well ok then." Taehyung mumbled as the last extensions was pulled from his hair. He took that as a chance to brush his hair back into place.

They settled for removing his makeup next.

"I ordered chicken by the way. I'm going to check if it's here." Jimin said, leaving his ipad behind. The minute he was out of sight, Taehyung made a grab for it knowing when Jimin came back he was going to get scolded.

He managed to find a recent fan cam as he focused his eyes on it. It was as good as everyone else said it was. Not a single hair was out of place nor was her clothes messy. She was clean and her moves were even cleaner. Her voice was still stable. It was perfect. She was perfect.

Taehyung was proud of himself. All of those hard days of training all day and night really paid off. Especially the vocal lessons he practiced and trained really hard for.

"The chicken.. Taehyung give me my iPad!" Jimin shouted at him. Taehyung smirked as he took a piece of chicken and stuffed it in his mouth, drowning out his managers nagging.

"Taehyung do you hear me?"

"Yom, yom, yom."

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. You're impossible."

Taehyung threw the clothes in the dirty hamper, grabbing his clothes he wore this morning which only consisted of jeans, a shirt and his favorite hoodie.

"Here. It's time to go." Jimin said tossing Taehyung a mask. Taehyung refused to leave until he helped the stylists pack and load up.

"Thank you Taehyung. Can't wait for your next performance." He gave her a thumbs up. Taehyung grabbed up all his remaining things before joining Jimin.

There were still fans waiting outside all waiting to see if they can glimpse Yesuel. They turned to Taehyung but saw that he was not Yesuel they left him alone.

He climbed in, Jimin following suit.

"Since I don't want you to be too tired, you can go home." Jimin grumbled. Taehyung hugged him and let out a happy sigh.

Jimin was nice enough to let Taehyung have the rest of the day to himself which he was ever grateful for. He showered before jumping into his warm and cozy bed.

He let the TV play as he planned to catch up on his favorite show. The minute his head touched the pillow, he was out.
Honestly not my favorite but it's something. The next chapters will be better, I promise.

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