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"Ugh!" Taehyung groaned as he searched under the bed for the thousandth time but still got the same results. Nothing! It's like it disappeared off the face of the Earth.

He looked frantically for it. He was sure he put it on the charge last night. When he tore his room apart, he jumped down the stairs, two at a time.

He looked in his living room and was sure it was there. He was too busy looking, he didn't notice Jungkook come behind me.

"Tae?" He asked. Taehyung jumped as he clutched his heart. He breathed a sigh of relief, upon seeing Jungkook.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked. He turned back to looking.

"I can't find my phone." He mumbled. Jungkook helped him search for it. It didn't take long for Jungkook to find it. He stiffled a laugh.

"What? Did you find it?" Tae asked. Jungkook nodded.

"Where! I need it!" He said. Jungkook pointed to Taehyung's pocket. He reached down and felt the mobile device.

"Oh my god!" He groaned, feeling embarrassed. He quickly called Jimin.

"Hyung!" He said. Jungkook can hear Jimin's nagging thorough the other end.

"I know. I apologize. I thought I lost my phone for a minute." Taehyung explained. Jimin nagged him a few more minutes before the call ended.

"Now.." Taehyung mumbled before starting his chase again. This morning, everything seemed to be out of place. It was starting to stress him out.

"What are you looking for now?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung huffed and explained that all his usual things are playing hide and seek with him. Jungkook pitched in to help.

Once all of Taehyung's belongings were in his hands, he turned to Jungkook and thanked him several times. He also apologized for waking him up so early in the morning.

Finally, Jimin arrived to pick up Tae. Taehyung told Jungkook the same things he told him every other day.


Q: Let's start on a basic topic. What do you like to do in free time

A: I don't have a lot of it but when I do, I like to rest and think of my next album. You always have to be prepared

Q: What's your biggest pet peeves

A: I get rushed a lot, so my pet peeves is being rushed. I hate being rushed.

Q: What do you consider being a bad habit

A: Honestly, I'm a very busy girl and I tend to misplace my things a alot. I'd think that my bad habit is being disorganized

Q: What would you like to be most remembered about yourself

A: I want to be remembered by my music. I want my music to be what everyone remembers

Q: So let's move on to more real questions, where do you get your inspiration from

A: Well most of the time it just comes to me. My better albums are mainly the ones that just come to me

Q: What made you want to become an idol

A: My passion and love for music. I wanted to make music that people can relate to and listen to in their free time

Q: Do you have messages behind the music

A: I wouldn't call them messages but I do have goals for my music. I want to touch on topics that not many people touch on. I want the world to become more aware. By the time my career is over, that's the goal I would want to accomplish

Q: Can you tell us anything about your upcoming album

A: I want to take a step back from the usual, for my next album I'll be talking about my views on love. That's all I can tell you for now *laughs*

Q: Since we're on the topic of love,  there's no way that I beautiful girl such as yourself is single. Are you single

Taehyung freezes and shys away. He fidgets in his seat. Not that the question was embarrassing or anything. It was just that the first person to come to mind was Jungkook. That made him blush.

Q: Aww, you're blushing. Are you really dating someone

A: Ah, n-no *laughs*. The question made me a little shy that's all.

Taehyung answers the question, fanning his face to keep the blush away. The interviewer teases him a bit more about the subject until the interview was over.

"Thank you guys for joining in. Thank you Yesuel for being here today. We can't wait to check out your newest album. Soon right?"

"Thank you for having me. Yes, soon." Taehyung giggled at the interviewer. They waved bye to the camera before their interview ended. The after interview didn't end though.

Questions got a little more personal and Taehyung happily answered them. He had nothing to hide. The interviewer was nice anyways. He had seen her several of times and she has never caused anyone any trouble.

"Hi there. Thank you so much for having us. Unfortunately we must leave."

"I can't wait to have you back. Have a nice day Yesuel." The nice lady waved them bye. Taehyung waved bye as well. When he got back out to the car he picked up his notebook and wrote something down absentmindedly. Mainly to get his mind off of Jungkook.
Sorry for the long wait, I've been studying for my test lol, I'm sure I passed it.
Hope you enjoyed that chapter. Next chapter will be a time skip because I already laid down the base lol
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