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"So, what are you going for?" Jungkook asked.

"Well, I want my album to come from the heart. I want it to be something people can relate too yet I want it to be catchy." Taehyung elaborates. Jungkook nods as he spins in the chair.

They hum as they think.

"What about something that's happened recently? Maybe that can help spark ideas." Jungkook says. Taehyung shakes his head.

"The only thing that happened recently was the fact that you started living with me." He says. Jungkook nods at this as he keeps offering ideas but Taehyung seems to deject them.

Maybe if Jungkook can find a idea that Taehyung is passionate about, it could help brainstorm.

"An album about love." Jungkook suggests. Something in Taehyung's eyes flicker. There it is.

"You're passionate about love, write something about it. Maybe your views on love. Encourage the young people about finding someone to love." Jungkook says.

"How am I supposed to encourage other people on that aspect when I can't even encourage myself." Taehyung says.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks.

"Love is just something I probably won't be able to have. I'm all for it though."

"Why not? Everyone can or will find love." Jungkook inputs.

"Everyone but me. My career will be on the line. It's that line that I don't want to cross. I could date someone but if they found out that I was a man or that I was a woman, there's no telling how'll they'll react. They could easily tell everyone or just as easily leave me. I won't be able to handle that. I'm all for love and would want it constantly. Heartbreaks are something I can't handle. That's why if I ever date, I want to find that one person who was made for me, just for me. I probably won't ever be able to date until after retirement years." Taehyung explains.

Jungkook payed attention to ever single word. That must be terrible.

"You'll feel so alone..." Jungkook tells him. Taehyung chuckles.

"Don't remind me." He pushes Jungkook's arm slightly.

"But that gives you something to write about. You can always write about your views on love and how you hope that people will find that one that was made just for them." Taehyung nods and he writes that down.

"I'll still need more songs." He pouts.

"Let's start with that one and we can work from there." Jungkook mentions. Taehyung nods as he spills more details on his views on love. Jungkook writes it all down in order to help paraphase it into a simple version of a song.

"NAMJOOONIEEEEE!" A sing song voice sounded. They turned their head to the owner of it and was met with a guy with eyes filled with love. All that vanished when he saw no sign of him.

"Is he hiding from me again?" Jin mumbled. He looked around and noticed Jungkook and a boy he's never seen before. Then it hit him.

"Hi Kook." He says but his eyes are focused on the boy.

"I don't know how a brat like you managed to persuade someone as adorable as him to date you." Jin says bowing to him. Taehyung blushes as Jungkook was quick to cut in.

"He's not my boyfriend. Why do I have to keep telling you guys that." He mumbles.

"Hey there, I'm Seokjin." He says. Taehyung shakes his hand and smiles. Jin gasps.

"If I wasn't so in love with Namjoon, I swear I would want to date you." Jin says.

"Hey!" They hear a hurt voice say. Arms wrap around Jin's waist as they mumble something that only Jin could hear.

"Well I'm Taehyung, nice to meet you hyung." Taehyung bows respectfully. Jin makes him stand up immediately. He doesn't care to much about that but he likes the respect.

"You don't have to bow." He scolds. He tries to push the younger up, but Namjoon had a good trip on his waist and mumbled something about Seokjin being his and only his.

"Now who's being clingy? Thought you hated it?" Yoongi snickered. Namjoon grabs a pen and chucks it at Yoongi who dodges it and laughs.

Taehyung looks at the time and ignores the bickering boys. He starts to grab his things when Jungkook speaks up.

"I wanted to mention another idea." He says. Taehyung stops and listens to the other before he had to leave.

"What if you told everyone? You know.." Jungkook says. Taehyung freezes.

"I don't know about that Kookie.." Jungkook jumps up and looks at Taehyung hopefully. He didn't want his hyung to hide like that anymore. He wanted everyone to understand him for Taehyung and not Yesuel.

"I think so. Think about it. Maybe it's about that time you know? I believe you're ready, tell them Tae." He practically begged. Taehyung looked at him.

"I'll think about it ok?" He says and Jungkook nods eagerly. Taehyung smiles at the satisfactory answer.

"I'll see you later. I'll make something to eat ok? Don't work to hard." Taehyung makes sure his words are heard before it's time for him to go.

On the walk home, he thought about Jungkook's words. Should he really tell everyone his secret? That would lift such a big burden off of him. Make him feel less guilty. He just might do it.

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