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It has started. Taehyung was now back to moving into showcases and more interviews, in a different area this time. It was only a few hours of driving so Taehyung didn't have to rent out a hotel, though Jimin was extremely against it.

"You wouldn't be happy if I left Jungkook in my home, alone, now would you?" Taehyung asks. Jimin scoffs and turns his head.

"Then don't complain." Taehyung tells him. He views his outfit they wanted him to wear and checked to make sure he didn't want to make any last minute changes. Two hours of driving and they finally arrived.

"Come Taehyung, we need to get you ready." They say. Jimin makes sure they get in while Taehyung blends in with the staff. They man nods and let's  them pass. Stylists rush about like busy bees trying to get everything together quickly.

Hayoung tells them to do Taehyung's hair while his outfit is being prepared. Several stylists pitch in to help add the extensions, helping the process move about quick.

It takes about and hour or so to get Taehyung somewhere close to ready.

"Ms Yesuel? You're in five." Someone knocks on the door to the styling room.

"Ah yes, thank you." Taehyung replies as he straighten out his clothes and the stylists fix his hair, and makeup. He does a few voice warm ups before it was time. They rushed Yesuel on stage.

She got in position, waiting for the lights to come on so she can start. When the lights do come on, the crowd cheer loudly, happy to be there to see their favorite idol.

Yesuel smiles, happy to see her lovely fans once again. The music starts and so does she. Looking at the crowd cheering gives her such a rush of exherilation. If there was anything she loved, it was definitely this. Seeing the happy faces, hearing them singing along.

For a moment Taehyung feel out of role as Jungkook's words rendered in his mind. Was he really ready to risk giving this up? Something he's worked so hard to get, who he worked so hard to become.

The more he questioned it, the more his answer became so clear. The more the people screamed for him, the more he knew. The more they said that they loved him, the more he knew. The more they shouted his name, the more he knew. The more his eyes scanned the posters that gave him such encouraging messages, the more he knew.

He wasn't ready to give this up. No way. Would he be considered selfish? He didn't care. He was going to soak up every single thing he knew he deserved. He deserved this, for working so hard.

He was out of breath by the time he was done performing. They all wished him the best as he exited the stage. He rushed to the dressing room. He grabbed a bottle of water as he watched the recap of the performance. He liked what he saw.

"You did great as always." Hayoung praised. Taehyung smiled. He did. He did good. The show called him back as they thanked him for taking the time to preform. He bowed to crowd. They praised him in return.

Anyone standing in a mile radius of this boy can feel the love and pride radiating off of him. He was just that happy. He loved this. Seeing the smile and happiness in everyone's faces.

Taehyung exited the stage as they packed up their things. Taehyung zoned out while the other chatted aimlessly among each other.

Was it really that time? Would Jungkook be angry with him? Would he say that he was selfish?

There was no doubt that her fans deserved to know the secret she hid from them. Taehyung sighed to himself.

"You ok Taehyung?" Hayoung asked as she noticed his demeanor. He looked at her and smiled.

"Yea sorry. I kind of zoned out a little there." They laughed at each other as Taehyung slipped his clothes back on. He stretched a little bit as his leg was starting to tense up.

"Are you ready? We should head back now. By the time we get there it will be night time." Jimin states. Taehyung nods as he grabs his few things laying around the room.

When he got in the car he grabbed his phone. He had recently saved Jungkook's number. He dialed it and I picked up after a few rings.

"Hi Kookie! Just wanted to let you know that I won't be back till a little late tonight. If there's anything you need or want you can call me or if you're hungry, I left my card for you." Taehyung tells him. He chuckles on the other end.

"You're worrying again. I'll be fine Tae." He said. Jungkook had pointed out that he worries a lot when it comes to Jungkook.

"Oh was I? I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were ok." Taehyung tells him.

"Well I'm fine. I'll probably be sleep in like twenty minutes." He yawns. Taehyung laughs.

"Ok then, good night." He says.

"Good night Taehyung." He replies. The call ends and Taehyung stares at the phone and his hand.

Jimin was watching him and noticed the small smile playing on his lips. He scoffed to himself. He laughed a little as a thought played in his mind.

"This idiot... Is falling in love."

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