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Taehyung was backstage now. He finished up his performance and the people cheered. The ones that weren't so happy stormed out as fast as they could in the middle. They were angry. This was insane.

Taehyung didn't speak to anyone as he just sat there, staring at the wall. He had done the right thing. He was so busy in thoughts that he missed the familiar blonde haired boy walk in.

"Taehyung you're such an idiot. Even a few days without me and you go and do something like this." Jimin said. Taehyung looked up and gasped.

"Jimin hyung!" He ran forward and pulled his hyung in for a hug. Jimin awkwardly hugged him back. Suddenly he got hit.

"No you're the idiot! Why did you leave me like that! I've called, texted and everything. I wanted to tell you everything yet you cursed me out and just left Jimin! That's so.. mean!" Taehyung yelled at him.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I shouldn't have yelled at you and let you explain. Please forgive me." He said. Taehyung hugged him again.

"Of course I will. We also have to get your job back. I'll do whatever it takes to get it back for you."

"No. You don't have too. I'm not so sure I want it back right now." Jimin teases.

"I can't do this without you. What are you talking about? Of course you're getting your job back."

They exchanged another hug.

"You wrote a whole song, for me!?" Jimin asked in awe. Taehyung smiled.

"I had to tell you some way. Jimin please don't leave me like that. We're in this together, we've always been in this together." Taehyung tells Jimin.

"I promise. I'll be an even better manager this time. We gotta do this together." Jimin says. Taehyung wiped his stray tears.

"Yeah we do." Taehyung replied. Jimin ruffled Taehyung's hair and smiles. His best hyung is back.

"What are we going to do about the mess you created?" Jimin stated.

"It's not a mess. It's the truth. Kookie was right. I can't hide from the world forever. They'll find out eventually. It's better they hear it directly from me." Taehyung told him. The venue had eventually calmed down from the chaos outside.

"Look Taehyung! You already have Twitter comments and the #Yesuel'sAFraud is trending." Hayoung says.

Taehyung grabs his phone and opens up Twitter. So many mean comments left on his page. Then there are the nice ones, defending him.

I knew it. She seemed so off! I can't stan anymore. This is insane!

Hey! At least he had the audacity to tell us the truth. I'm proud

He's still the same person we fell in love with. Give him a chance

He's a sicko! I can't believe this. Isn't this illegal or something 😠

Ugh. This is wrong on so many levels. What is wrong with people now adays

I liked his voice. It seemed so sweet and filled with so much raw emotion. I think I'm going to keep this one ❤️

To the people supporting him, you guys are just as sick as him

I don't know what the anti Suelies (are we even called that anymore?) talking about but honestly, this guy is still idol material. The looks and don't get me started on them vocals from heaven. I'm glad he shared the truth with us

He did this for his dream guys! Everyone does crazy things to achieve their dreams. I going to keep supporting

I can't. Are male idols female too?! Like this is nuts. It's making me sick 😫😷

I don't understand. This isn't cool. This is terrible. He needs to be put away for this.

So what? He put on a little bit of makeup and a dress or two? Was it the change of voice? I don't care. This is empowerment in my opinion. It's like a different way of feminism in a way? Lol idk, I'm stanning though, that's husband material up there

Can the man have his dreams? So what. I'm going to Stan. This is oddly weird but good? I'm confused but I can Stan

Guys listen to me loud and clear. So what if he preferred the looks of a woman? His personality is still the same as the idol we all fell in love with and adored. As long as he still goes through with what he wanted for us since the beginning. He's still the same either way and I'm still going to love him the same as I loved Yesuel. You can all admit that you've done some crazy things to achieve your goals. I believe in you Taehyung! I'll support you. Fighting!

The last one made him tear up a little. Things seemed to be looking up for him. Jimin had left to go and figure out a way to maybe get things to be good.

Suddenly the door slammed open. Taehyung looked to find his hyungs and Jungkook standing there.

"Taehyung! We gotta talk!"

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