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"Hey Tae!" Jungkook beamed upon seeing the other. Taehyung returned the smile quickly before it fell again. He turned away.

"I made something to eat in case you wanted it." Taehyung turned away and would rather get to his room quickly.

"Thanks but I'm fine." He assured.

"But it's your favorite." Taehyung bit his lips.

"Im not hungry ok?"

Jungkook nodded. He had probably already ate something.

"Oh ok then. D-do you like, want to watch a movie o-or we can play a game if..."

"Listen I'm so sorry Kookie but I'm really tired and I'm going to get ready for bed now. I promise to watch a movie with you another day." Taehyung pouted.

"Oh yeah of course. You've had a long day. I'll leave you alone now ok?"

"Thank you. Good night Kook."

"Night Tae." Taehyung walked up the stairs leaving Jungkook down there alone. Jungkook chuckled to himself as he looked at all the rom coms he was willing to watch.

The shower above started running and Jungkook retired into the kitchen. He wiped down the counters and put the food away. Maybe Taehyung would want it for tomorrow.

After he straightened up most areas, he also decided to get ready for bed. Then his phone beeped.

THAT hyung
Kook! How's the plan going along?
Ready for the next part?

He hyung I'm here
And no
I only managed to make him breakfast
I was going to watch movies with him but he's tired so he's going to bed

THAT hyung
No worries
They can be apart but don't make them too far apart
You want him to catch the hints yeah?

Yes hyung I do
I'll give him tonight and try again tomorrow or something
Should I make breakfast again?

THAT hyung
If you want to
I would just to make sure
Ok, I'm going to get ready for bed myself
I need my beauty rest

Doesn't matter how much you need your beauty rest
You'll still be ugly

THAT hyung
You're even a brat over the phone
Goodnight Jungkook
I don't want to see you tomorrow

Love you too hyung
I'll see you bright and early tomorrow

Jungkook laughed as he annoyed his hyung. He put his covers in the dryer
(A/N am I the only one that likes to put my covers in the dryer before bed? It makes them warmer and it's especially useful in the winter time) so they warm up.

He took a shower and remade the bed, climbing in quickly to absorb the heat. It didn't take long before he was fast asleep.

Taehyung on the other hand, was drying his hair as he looked in the mirror. His eyes kept scanning over his body.

He stopped and turned to the side, pulling his shirt back. Any normal person would see another normal person but all Taehyung could see was a putriding stomach looking back at him.

"They're right. I should diet. I'll have to work hard again!" He said.

"I'll only eat when they offer me something." He thought. Maybe that was best in his mind.

He unplugged his blow dryer and put it away. He grabbed his pillow to cuddle close as he switched out his light and went to sleep.

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