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"It's lunch time. Where's lunch?" Jungkook whined. Yoongi huffed.

"It's coming. Be patient." As that was said, the studio door was being banged on relentlessly. Yoongi smirked before turning to Namjoon.

"Hey Joon, can you get the door?" He said.

"Why can't you?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi glared at him.

"Answer the door." He said. Namjoon put his hands up in defense before going to the door. He opened it to be met with surprised eyes.

"NAMJOOONIEEEEE!" He was pulled down into a hug. The boys snickered as they watched Seokjin hug Namjoon tightly and pepper his head with kisses. He whined about it but the boys knew he liked it.

"Seokjin. What are you doing here?" Namjoon asked when he was finally released of the guys death grip. He calls it the hug of love.

"Yoongi called and asked me if I can make something to eat. He told me that you really wanted it. I'd do anything for my Namjoonie." He said pinching the others checks and cooing at him. Namjoon groaned in response before sending a glare at Yoongi.

Jungkook removed the bag of food from Seokjin while he left Namjoon to endure Seokjin's love. The two opened the bag to see what they would be met with today.

"BENTO BOXES!" They screamed, delighted.

"Yep, this week is Japanese cuisine." Seokjin answered. They each grabbed one with their favorite dishes inside. They are lunch together while Seokjin stuck to Namjoon like glue.

"This is amazing!" Yoongi said with a stuffed mouth only to get scolded about it.

"Kook, we want to know more about your boyfriend." Namjoon said.

"Kook has a boyfriend!?" Seokjin asked.

"No! He's not my boyfriend." Jungkook scowled.

"Then what is he?"

"Just a friend. I swear."

"He seems to have money. Is he your.." Yoongi started but immediately cut off.

"No! Most definitely not!" Jungkook defended.

"Thank goodness. I was hoping you wouldn't go so low as to date someone just for money. I taught you better." Seokjin butted in.

"Then who is he if he's not your boyfriend, not your sugar daddy?" Yoongi asked.

"A friend! Just a friend." He said.

"Friend...with benefits." Namjoon teased only to get smacked by Seokjin. He scowled.

"It's between us." Jungkook says.

"Oh so you do have benefits?"

"What no!?" Jungkook screamed.

"But you didn't deny it." Yoongi pointed out.

"I'm denying it now. He's not my boyfriend, sugar daddy, or my friend with benefits." Jungkook says, turning red at the mention of Taehyung being anything more than his friend. He won't deny that the other was adorable but they were just friends.

He turned to his computer and clicked on a few things, adding beats to folders to have ready soon to be given off. He sighed as he finished his bento box.

"Thanks hyung. That was wonderful." Jungkook thanked.

"Tomorrow, I'm bringing sushi!" They clapped their hands, can't waiting to get their hands on one of Seokjin's sushi rolls. Jungkook put his headphones on as he started to work.

He found himself listening to one of Yesuel's songs, her most recent one. He couldn't believe it. Mixing his new found knowledge with the things on Yesuel, he would never believe that she was a man. Her voice, it was touching. It was soft, something different from the real Taehyung's voice. It almost seemed not to be him. He would believe that if he hadn't heard it first hand.

Though Taehyung hid this huge secret, his music compensated for that. His music really spoke to the soul. It could help anyone in any hard time. It was moving, touching. Jungkook just loved it. The day she debuted, Jungkook was there. He was her biggest fan. He made sure to send her positive news and feedback and always encouraged her to keep going and how amazing she was doing.

And now that he really knew the real Yesuel, it seemed to make his love grow. To know that she was a boy, a boy who had a dream. A dream to inspire people across the world with his music. It gave Jungkook a new sense of respect.

"Kook?" Seokjin said, tapping the boy on the shoulder. He removed his headphones and looked up.

"Everyone else is leaving. Are you coming?" Jungkook looked outside. It had gotten dark. Did he spend all that time thinking about Taehyung? He looked at his computer. He still managed to sort the beats to their respective folders. He was done for the day. He'll have to send them off early tomorrow.

"Uh yeah. I should probably get back. I don't want Taehyung to worry." He said, closing his laptop and packing it up. He grabbed all his music sheets and stuffed those in there too. He switched his desk light off.

"Hey hyung, can I get a ride please? I forgot to mention that to Taehyung." He chuckled.

"Of course. Just don't scratch my leather." He said. Jungkook thanked him.

When they pulled in front of Taehyung's house, Jin (being the extra person he is) got out of the car. He stood on the lawn and stared at the house in awe.

"Your boyfriend lives here?!" Jin asked. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend and yes he lives here." Jungkook said grabbing his case and walking up the path.

"Does he have an extra room because damn, I need to be living here." Jin asked. Jungkook chuckled.

"Maybe. Now you should go. You're being loud like always and he's probably sleeping. I don't want to wake him. Jin laughed. He waved bye to Jungkook before getting in his car and making sure the younger got in safely before driving away.

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