chapter 25

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idk if anyone is still interested in this lol last update was the first week of December 2019 and today is march 22, 2020 and here i am trying to put it upon whoever reads this to read it if that makes any sense ok anyway enjoy as i wrap up this story for good, well in like 15 more chapters lol smh also everyone stay safe and keep your distance from people,,, maybe publishing this will help you while away time during this quarantine period, i'll just publish three chapters at once :) God bless you and protect you from this pandemic!

It was another fresh week.

Dowoon got ready to head out to class. Sungjin got ready to go for the poster photoshoot.

Jae still didn't have his car back so a manager was ready to take the two members to their schedules.

When Dowoon got to class, he was anxious about seeing Chaeyoung. He walked in to see that she had already arrived. She wouldn't even look at him to give him a chance to smile or wave at her.

After a couple of minutes into class,

"Ow." Chaeyoung wailed, after getting a paper cut on her finger. She put the finger in her mouth to stop it from bleeding.

"Are you ok??" Dowoon asked but still got ignored.

IU announced how much they had made from busking and wrote down a bunch of activities the class could vote on what to use the money for.

"I didn't know it was a fundraiser." Dowoon whispered to Chaeyoung to start a conversation but she didn't bother looking like she had even heard him.

IU walked around to pass out papers and she was limping. Dowoon asked her if she was okay and she said she had a blister on the back of her foot. He told her not to wear heels often and she smiled and thanked him for caring.

Their interaction made Chaeyoung feel sick.

During the lesson, she stood up and walked out the classroom. Despite IU calling her back, she kept walking.

IU followed her out and she finally stopped and turned around.

"I don't feel too good."

"Then you could've excused yourself." IU scolded.

Dowoon also followed the two of them.

"I'm sorry." Chaeyoung surprisingly apologized easily.

"It's alright, just.. next time don't do that cause it'll make the other students think they can act the same way-"

"I SAID I'M SORRY OKAY??" She yelled furiously.

"You don't have to yell at me."

"I apologized already but you're scolding me, what else do you want me to do?!" Chaeyoung let out before turning around to keep walking.

Now, the other people in the class started peeping through the window, some of them even ran out to see what was going on.

"Everyone get back in class," IU said to all of them. She also walked back into the class and turned to Dowoon. "you too."

"One second." He said and ran to catch up with Chaeyoung who was trying to stop a taxi.

He opened his backpack to take out a bandaid. "I saw that you had a paper cut a while ago."

"Thank you." She said taking it from his hand. "Your crush needs one more than I do."

"Please just listen to what I have to say."

"Didn't you talk to IU about her blister? Why didn't you give her-"

"I know last time everything was all over the place so I want to sincerely and properly apologize now." Dowoon tried speaking so fast that she won't be able to interrupt him.

"I hurt myself a while ago but you still gave me one-"

"Please just listen to me." Dowoon said again.

"You really don't care?" Chaeyoung asked in a subtle voice. "If you like her a lot, you should care."

"Chaeyoung!" He yelled her name to make her stop talking about IU.

"What?!" She yelled back.

"First off, I'm sorry. I didn't call you after that day because-"

"I didn't ask."

"Please just listen to what I have to say." He said for the hundredth time.

"I don't want to." She said and smiled. "Do you have an extra bandaid?" She asked and he nodded, looking confused. "Can you give me one?"

When he did, she took it to the class and gave it to IU. Then she apologized and bowed politely. "I really do have to leave."

Dowoon waited for her outside the class but she just walked past him and entered a taxi.
Sungjin and Jihyo had to take a lot of couple photos for the poster photoshoot. They were awkward around each other after what happened on Valentine's Day.

For one pose, they had to place their foreheads against each other's and smile.

"I need you guys to look like you're in love." The director complained after physically explaining the pose multiple times and not being satisfied with what he was getting. "If you can't get past just this, how would you act a whole episode??"

They bowed and attempted the pose again.

Sungjin decided to relax and just go for it. He looked much more genuine and they were finally able to get it right.

They wrapped up the shoot and everyone got a lunchbox to eat. They all found corners and tables to sit at.

Jihyo had gone to the restroom so when she returned, there weren't any chairs left.

Sungjin knew she would outrightly refuse his help if he offered any, so he stood up from his own chair and placed it in a corner, then he told someone to divert Jihyo's attention over there.

As she was about to sit, she looked over at Sungjin who was standing and eating and she felt bad. She called someone to take the chair over to where he was and say it was a vacant one.

He recognized it to be the same chair he had sent over so he looked at where she was. As he mustered up the courage to personally give the chair to her, someone else beat him to it. He still smiled, seeing that she was now comfortable.

He was staring at her, but when she looked at him, he quickly bowed and looked away.

The awkwardness was only going to get worse.


The next day, Dowoon walked into class anticipating to see Chaeyoung next to his seat. She wasn't. She had traded places with another student, so now he had a new partner.

He smiled at the kid as he sat down. Then he turned around to look at Chaeyoung in the back.

He waved but she stared at him blankly.

The next day was the same thing. And the next day.

On Friday, he expected the same thing to happen but she wasn't even in class.

IU announced Chaeyoung had dropped the class and Dowoon's heart sank.

The filming had begun and everything was alright between Sungjin and Jihyo when they were acting but off-camera they wouldn't even talk.

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