chapter 29

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"You're crazy," Mina stated.

"You really don't want to?" Wonpil asked shamelessly.

"No. Of course not."

"Why not?"

"I don't like you... like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you do."

Wonpil chuckled. "I never said I liked you. I just want to figure out what I feel, the only way for me to do that is to spend more time with y-"

Mina put in her AirPods, picked up her duffle bag and attempted to walk out of the practice room but he quickly stopped her.

"Wait. Did I offend you?"

"Are you really clueless or just stupid?" She scoffed and questioned.

"I know I probably sound like a jerk to you but I was just being completely honest."

"Well, thanks for your honesty."

"Is it really a no?"

She looked at the mirror behind him and just stared for a while before speaking. There was really no way she would end up liking him and going on dates might actually be fun. "On second thoughts," She started when she made up her mind. "That's really not a bad idea."

"So you'll go out with me?"

"I'll help you figure out what you feel." She said in a corrective tone while quoting in the air with her fingers.

"Thank you." He said and bowed excitedly.

"Don't thank me that's just weird."

She watched him walk out before she smiled. Her competitive side was summoned. She was so gonna make him fall for her.


Dowoon sat on the swing for a while after wiping his face dry with a handkerchief. He was happy. At least Chaeyoung was now showing her anger instead of keeping it in which was scarier.

Chaeyoung, on the other hand, felt so bad and guilty for what she did. She thought of running back and apologizing but for once she wanted to act mean. And it did serve Dowoon right. Lucky for him, the coffee wasn't so hot.


Sungjin arrived at the filming location for the day a bit early. He hesitated on going inside for a while because Jihyo was already there.

He had worn a hoodie just for this reason. He was scared to interact with her except when they were actually filming so he wanted to hide from her.

He would walk up to the entrance and then turn back around. He took deep breaths to calm himself. This happened almost every time Jihyo had to film before him.

It was good if he arrived first or they arrived at the same time because the chances of bumping into each other were less.

"Ok, why do I have to hide? She doesn't even care anyway. Besides I didn't do anything wrong, did I?" He spoke to himself, trying to be encouraged to head inside. "Ok, you got this."

He was this close to going in when he turned back around and bumped into someone. Twice's manager.

He had brought Jihyo's bag because she forgot it when rushing out of the apartment in the morning.

When Sungjin bumped into him, the bag fell and almost everything in it scattered on the ground.

"I'm so sorry." Sungjin bowed multiple times as he bent over to help pick up the items. He noticed the ring box Jihyo had brought on Valentine's day and he held onto it instead of putting it back into the bag.

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