03 | royalty

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As soon as I said that there were mixed reactions

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As soon as I said that there were mixed reactions. Athena and her group were cheering in excitement, and the other two groups looked disappointed. The girl who spoke to me and her friends looked the most let down though.

Mr Creed looked at me in surprise. "Ah, Eilish, it looks like you're not the only one with a Pure gift at Thorn Brooke Academy anymore." He looked at the girl. Eilish?

She looked at me one more time and didn't look at me again for the rest of the lesson, much to my disappointment. Mr Creed gave us all partners to stretch with. I got paired with a girl from the Eilish girl's group who hugged her before coming over to me.

"Hi," She was nice as she sat next to me. "I'm Lola. My element variation is Frost."

"I'm Santana, it's nice to meet you," I smiled politely at her.

Lola grinned at me. "I told everyone you weren't as mean as they thought you were!"

I laughed and helped her stretch before she did the same with me. "So what's with all the glaring and staring today?"

Lola visibly rolled her eyes and glanced at Athena. "You didn't hear it from me but...

"Thorn Brooke is split into three gangs. The Cobra Spades is Athena's gang, she's the leader. Their territory is the West, and everyone in that gang has a variation of the Fire element. It's why the were so excited when you aid your Pure gift was fire, because they think they're gonna snatch you up for themselves," She grumbled.

"Then there is 53 thirteen. Quite frankly, those people just aren't the ones to mess with. Their leader is Jane Emily, the one with red hair over there. Trust me, I know she looks innocent, but she's not right in the head. They rule the East and everyone in their gang has an Air element variation." I looked at Jane Emily, finding it hard to believe she was anything but plain.

Lola smirked. "And lastly there is the gang I'm in. The best one, in my opinion. We're called Black Valley, the leader is Billie, my friend. She actually used to be the only one in the whole entire school with a Pure gift until you came. We all have variations of the Water or Ice element, except Billie of course. We stay in the North."

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean Athena's gang want to 'snatch me up for themselves'?"

"Well they think just because your Gift is Fire they can take you into their gang because they all have Fire related gifts, ya know? But jokes on them we're gonna do it before they get the chance." She smirked again and flipped off a Cobra Spades member that glared at her as they walked past.

I rolled my eyes and began to stretch my arms. "I can definitely say I'm not joining Athena and her little group of snakes, that's for sure." I muttered.

My next class consisted of the most irritating hour of my life

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My next class consisted of the most irritating hour of my life. I had Quiet Study with Miss Lacey, a young good looking female teacher that let us do whatever we wanted, as long as it looked like studying. I was prepared to read a little bit about the history of this school and the gangs for a good hour, but my plans were interrupted.

An annoying younger girl from Cobra Spades decided to sit next to me to try and recruit me into her gang, I knew it was the work of Athena, that little bitch, who wasn't even here because you didn't have to show up for this class.

She decided to send the most annoying person to sidle up to me. I don't think the girl realised I could see straight through their plan and that I didn't want to be her friend.

The school was founded in 1803 for young people to perfect and hone in on their element varia-

"So, how long have you known your gift was Pure? What was it like to find that out? Do you know your like, totally royalty!"

I blew my hair out my face and bounced my leg in irritation. "Yes, Jessica I know that. You know, actually this book I'm reading is really good! Haha, gonna tune out and really focus on it, lol!"

She nodded eagerly and gushed, "Totally! Hehe okay I'll let you do that. Don't forget to sit with me and my friends at lunch though! You'll just love Athena, she's the best!"

I nodded and gave her a fake smile. To my surprise she actually left me alone, and went to tell all her snake friends that their plan must've worked. I rolled my eyes and pushed all that out my head.

The school was founded in 1803 for young people to perfect and hone in on their element variations. It has now become a world renowned school that parents across the country send their children to, in order to learn discipline and the correct way to use their gifts. Though the school is mixed, only few boys attend, making it a female dominated academy.

Ever since the creation of the school though, there has been divides amongst the students that reflects the state of the outside world. It is known that students of different Elements do not socialise; this leaves the school divided in three.

I closed the book as the bell rang and put it in my bag, hoping to finish it later on.

I closed the book as the bell rang and put it in my bag, hoping to finish it later on

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