26 | shining with gloss

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Neither me or Billie knew exactly why she was called to Madam Lex's office during study hall, but we both had an inkling that it had to do with Jane Emily's

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Neither me or Billie knew exactly why she was called to Madam Lex's office during study hall, but we both had an inkling that it had to do with Jane Emily's... situation.

I was gonna leave to go to my dorm when the receptionist called me back saying my mother was on the line. It made me confused because as far as I was concerned, I hadn't been involved in any violence whatsoever.

I put up with so much teasing from Billie and Aspen because of my recent motto, 'use words, not violence'. I was out and about reciting that shit everywhere I went like a clown, all cause of my bummy mother.

So when I sat down in that chair and put the telephone up to my ear, I was extremely confused.

"Oriana!" I was expecting the usual condescending, disappointed tone. Instead her voice was... cheerful?

I cleared my throat and spoke with a clipped attitude. "Mother?"

"I have got... some GREAT news!" She chirped in that fake happy voice I knew all too well.

 some GREAT news!" She chirped in that fake happy voice I knew all too well

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"Hey baby," Billie said as she exited the office. Her hands were stuffed in her hoodie pockets and black sunglasses pushed back on top of her head.

I immediately pushed up from my slumped position and plastered a fake smile on my face, asking about her meeting with Madam Lex.

Billie saw through it and frowned. She thankfully ignored it though.

"She gave me detention for 2 weeks, basically," She pulled a face and held my hand as we walked.

I pouted playfully. "Aw, poor Eilish. Stuck in little detention."

I laughed at the scowl on her face and poked her cheek.

"Shut up," She grumbled and swatted my hand away.

"Anyways," Billie drawled. "What'd you do while I was gone?"

I saw the slight suspicion in her eyes. I knew if I tried to lie she'd see right through it. But I don't think I could really tell Billie the truth.

So I told a truth and a lie. A half-truth, I guess. That's not as bad, right?

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