24 | off by heart

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Jane-Emily was found frozen to her bed, with ice resembling chains wrapped around the base of her neck tightly, like vines around a tree

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Jane-Emily was found frozen to her bed, with ice resembling chains wrapped around the base of her neck tightly, like vines around a tree. Her lips were said to be blue and her skin so pale that she looked ghostly. As soon as she was found, there was no doubt who was the culprit. The person responsible for her death had made sure to leave their signature bold and plain to see: ice. They wanted everybody to know who did it. Who not to mess with. Billie Eilish.

Deaths in Thorne Brooke Academy were a normal thing. But there was something about Jane's murder that shook the whole school. A leader dying was something no body ever thought would happen. And the fact that another gang leader committed the act made everyone fear my girlfriend more than ever before. She gained a notorious reputation - don't cross her or her loved ones, or you're dead.

I don't think anyone was actually sad except for the the Jane-Emily groupies in 53-13, but more scared that there wasn't any boundaries now on who could be gone next

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I don't think anyone was actually sad except for the the Jane-Emily groupies in 53-13, but more scared that there wasn't any boundaries now on who could be gone next. Make the wrong move and anyone could 'get chopped', as Aspen liked to say.

It was weird at times when I'd be holding Billie's hand walking in the hallways and people would look to her with even more fear and respect than before. And what I found weirder was how they looked at me, as if me and Billie were equally the same and as bad as each other. Which I don't disagree with, Lord knows I've done my fair share of killing.

I found that as Billie became more relevant and important, as people respected her more and envied everything she had, others like Athena and her entire gang were forgotten. They mattered less as Black Valley grew, as Billie and I's relationship strengthened, as more people started to realise that the Cobra Spades were weak compared to us.

Billie dominated the school. Because she killed Jane it meant that technically 53-13 was her's, although I don't think she necessarily wanted it.

Billie was king of Thorne Brooke and the slightest mention of her sent people on edge, they just saw her as that dangerous. Even though I knew that everything she did was calculated and planned out. Billie wasn't reckless. She was cunning and smart, she could be deceiving and cold but she was never stupid.

Our relationship wasn't perfect, but it was getting stronger by the day and blossoming as everything unfolded. I guess we were some sort of power couple though we did everything we could to keep things private between us, as a way to almost preserve what we had.

There was an assembly Madam Lex gave about reducing violence in TBA which, honestly, no one took seriously except myself. The entire time Billie was sleeping on my shoulder as we sat on the ledges. I was basically on a last chance, meaning if I did anything else to hurt someone I was done. So I took extra care to protect myself from getting into any altercations, and just watched from the side lines.

It was kinda funny seeing Billie slumped against me with her hood up, literally sleeping through an assembly that was directed mostly towards her. She was not taking that shit seriously and everyone knew it.

Monday came around and the schedules changed, I had to go get it from the receptionist desk before class. I went to breakfast first though by myself cause Billie wasn't there when I woke up, unsurprisingly.

I took my time as it was only 7:12 am. When I got inside I got a bowl of cereal for myself and a breakfast burrito for Billie and sat down at a table with Aspen, Hester, Lola, Leo and other people I didn't care about.

I felt dead today, school was finally catching up to me and kicking my ass. I had exams in a few weeks and I just couldn't handle anything else on top of it all.

I was so tired because I stayed up studying everything I missed in my EE class. Ever since Mrs Bates quit after that incident with Billie and I, I've just been stupidly skipping it. I guess Billie could get away with it cause she was super smart and could catch up just like that, plus she already had full control over her element. It was different for me obviously, and I learned that the hard way.

I was startled from my thoughts when Aspen held my hand. "You okay?"

I shook away the clutter in my head and smiled lightly. "Yeah I'm fine, just a bit tired."

"What, did Billie keep you up all night?" Lola smirked and fake moaned loudly.

"Shut up." I hid my face in embarrassment then slapped her arm.

Suddenly Billie appeared next to me and plopped her ass down next to me. She lifted her legs and placed them across my own. I smiled at her and silently drooled at her grey sweats and space buns. How is she so sexy and adorable at the same time?

"Hi baby," Billie said. I passed her the breakfast burrito and she kissed my cheek quickly before devouring the whole thing in a minute.

I was not really in the mood to speak so I just laid my head on her chest. She knew I was tired and stroked my hair lightly. "I love you," Billie whispered. I kissed my fingers and placed them on her lips, way too tired to say or do anything else.

"Oh, I got your schedule for you. You've got most classes with me, princess." Billie said gently.

I nodded and closed my eyes. I don't know how she got my schedule since she had to have my Serial code but, in that moment I didn't care.

"How'd you get it without her Serial code?" Aspen asked, reading my mind.

Billie chest moved underneath me as she spoke. "I know it off by heart."

Everyone at the table said "Aww," and Billie laughed softly. I felt myself drifting off, and the last thing I heard was Billie whispering something in my ear.

"Go to sleep, angel. I'll be here when you wake up."


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