01 | ice and snitches

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read in black please - ella 💋

I stared down at the ground blinking away the angry tears in my eyes as the limousine behind me drove away

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I stared down at the ground blinking away the angry tears in my eyes as the limousine behind me drove away. My driver, Gerald was the last person from my past that I'd see for a very long time.

With my suitcase in hand I took a step forward and accepted that for at least 2 years this would be my life, nothing more or nothing less.

Ahead of me was the infamous Thorne Brooke Academy for the Gifted. Although the name suggested that it was some prestigious school for posh talented snobs, it was actually the opposite.

Parents like to dump their troubled children here when they've had enough, I knew for a fact my mother was done with me, so she shipped me here as a last chance/punishment.

The school was absolutely huge with bricks made of obsidian rock and an oldish vibe going for it. It didn't exactly look like my idea of heaven but whatever.

I breathed in the air and savoured the moment, because who knew the next time I'd be somewhere of my own free will?

I walked through the iron gates then entered the school through the huge open double doors. The lady at the reception desk stared blankly at me while chewing gum and twirling a phone cord round her finger. It was kind of awkward so I just stood there and waited for my tour guide.

"Miss Angeles?" I heard a voice behind me and I sighed in relief. I turned around to see who this person was. She was a woman who looked to be in her late thirties with a blonde bob and stern eyes.

She stuck her hand out to shake. "Madam Lex, head of the academy. I'll be giving you your tour today."

I nodded and shook her hand. We walked out of the bleak reception area towards a flight of stairs. The head went on to tell me a bunch of stuff about school morals so I blocked her out. The stairs led to a brightly lit hallway with doors on one side and windows on the other.

As we walked briskly on Madam Lex spotted two girls walking past each other and called to them.

"Oh, Miss Jenner and Miss Williams!" They both looked quite annoyed to be called out but approached anyway. I noticed how they kept a considerable distance from each other. Weird.

Madam Lex patted my shoulder gingerly. "This is Santana Angeles, our newest student."

One girl confidently offered her hand to shake and l took it as she gave me a tight smile. "I'm Athena." She was short and curvy, and her hair was long, curly and black. She wore a casual black slim fitting dress that accentuated her figure nicely. Her face was blank and on her shoulder I noticed a tattoo that said 'Snakes and bitches before ice and snitches'.

Athena's voice sounded like if a snake could talk with a lisp. And her eyes were like slits that stared you down all the time.

The other girl smiled brightly at me and showed her pearly white teeth. She was wearing a white top and grey jeggings, but they were a bit big making her look odd. "Hey I'm Jane Emily."

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