29 | the thick girl

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baby billie's point of view

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baby billie's point of view .

a couple days ago...

"How did you even know it was me?" I drawled as I sat slumped in a chair in Madam Lex's office. My mind was only half focused, I was mainly thinking about the thick girl waiting for me outside. I thought about tapping that ass and grinned, before remembering where I was.

My voice was dead with disinterest and my face completely neutral. To be honest witchu I didn't give a fuck bout what Madam Lex wanted, I just wanted to get back to what was mine. I could perfectly imagine her sexy lil face thinking bout me and what I was thinking bout. Little did she know.

There wasn't one moment when she wasn't on my mind. It was 80% about her ass, but still.

"Miss Eilish, there is only one person - actually recently two people who openly and purposely kill without covering their tracks. And that's you, and Santana Angeles."

I perked up at the sound of her unimaginably sexy name.

That's right, my baby ain't afraid of shit. I love that in her. I'd love to say she gets it from me, but she's always been like that. It's one of the reasons why I started to fall for her. She doesn't give a shit about the consequences, if she wants to do something, she'll do it.

I'm similar, no ones gonna stop me from getting or achieving what I want. But the difference between me and Santana is I'm reckless. Literally no one can stop me once I get started, I'm a monster. A monster with a hot, smexy, got-a-fat-ass girlfriend tho.

Ugh, I'm in love with that bitch, damn.

I can't wait to get out of this lame ass office and hold her cute lil hand-

"Miss Eilish! Are you listening?"

I bit my lip in embarrassment. "Uh, Yeah."

Madam Lex sighed and put on her grey glasses. She definitely looks better without them. "You have 2 weeks of detention and I'll be informing your mother of everything."

"Cool." I said, real close to yawning. I wonder if San was hungry? I sure am hungry. We should get some fries from the cafeteria real soon-

Madam Lex snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Stop staring off into space with that stone cold face of yours, young lady."

I sighed and finally gave her all my attention. "Aight sorry, what else?"

"Get out of my office," she smirked and shooed me out. I would've mugged her but babygirl was right outside just begging to be pushed against a wall.

I walked out the office satisfied knowing I definitely wouldn't go to any of those detentions, excited to see Santana again.

Not to brag or anything, but I was expecting her to like, be suuuuper happy to see me. I'm Billie, why wouldn't she be?

My hands were stuffed in my pockets and my big black sunglasses were firmly pushed back on top of my head. I'm absolutely tooting my own horn when I say I looked fly. I look fly everyday though, so...

"Hey baby," I said as my eyes landed on her. First thing I noticed was she had a fake smile on her face, and I hate that shit. So much. Don't insult me by faking your feelings, either tell me or don't. Just don't pretend to feel something you don't.

I trusted Santana completely though. She'd come to me in her own time. Whatever it was, she'd tell me and we'd get through it together.

 Whatever it was, she'd tell me and we'd get through it together

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shortest chapter I've done whew

a glimpse into what goes on behind the emotionless face lol


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