21 | screams of fury

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My therapy session with Helen went really well once again, she told me it was great to see that I was settled in and happier than the week before

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My therapy session with Helen went really well once again, she told me it was great to see that I was settled in and happier than the week before. Straight after I let Billie drag me to the East so that I could steal a silver pin that Jane-Emily had.

"Ok, you know the plan right? Go down the hallway to the last door on the right, straight in, get the pin that should be under her pillow and get straight out. Walk calmly back to me, I'll be right here okay? If I see anyone heading in your direction I'll stall them." Billie informed me in serious gang leader mode which was a serious turn on.

I nodded and tried to ignore the pounding in my chest. "Okay."

"Aight, kiss me before you go," Billie said pulling me towards her. I smiled and laid a gentle kiss on her lips then released myself from her arms.

I opened the double doors and walked as calmly as possible towards my destination.


I was walking back from Jane Emily's disgusting and smelly room with a silver pin clutched tightly in my hand. All this time I thought Billie and I's room was messy, boy was I wrong.

There was nobody in the room when I entered luckily and I managed to steal the item quickly and smoothly. The double doors that Billie was behind were literally two steps away from my hands ready to push them open, when a door opened to my left.

I froze in quiet panic and tried to look as calm as possible. A sleepy but suspicious girl with caramel skin emerged and stared at me skeptically. She opened her mouth about to question me when my girlfriend's head peeked out. I saw Billie's eyes widen slightly before she said "Sorry, she's new," and pulled me back.

As soon as I stumbled out the doors and we had ran back to our own territory like two little kids
caught, we burst out laughing.

"You know that girl's gonna tell Jane, and she's gonna realise the pin's gone and come looking," I said once we sobered up.

Billie gave me her signature icy smirk as her eyes flashed bright blue, which I thought was so hot. "Let her try."


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