23 | here, darling

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Thorne Brooke Academy was deep in chaos

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Thorne Brooke Academy was deep in chaos. I woke up to the nosiest rowdiest morning I'd ever had in this school. Billie was missing from the room when I woke up for the first time in a while.

The block was already unsettled when I woke up, but as soon as a massive group of people came looking for her and saw she wasn't there, everything turned to shit. The north block was in shambles with people running around in panic and so much yelling. I could only imagine what was happening in the other blocks.

I didn't understand what was going on. Everyone was too busy to stop and tell me anything and it just seemed like everything was a blur.

I remembered what happened last night with Billie and hoped she hadn't gotten herself into any kind of trouble...

Something had happened that everybody knew about, that had turned this school over on its head.

It was apparent no one was going to class - literally nobody - so I decided to go to the central north hangout. It seemed so many crowds of Black Valley members were headed that way anyways.

As soon as I unlocked the door and entered the room I was overwhelmed with the large amount of people firing questions at me and looking at me for the answers. The room was enormous enough to fit Black Valley's entire capacity of people, which was a lot.

I was stunned with so many people trying to talk to me at once and didn't know what to do. I saw Lola and Aspen near the front of the room and pushed my way over to them.

"Lola!" I said almost desperately. She looked up from her heated conversation in surprise. "What's going on?"

Lola rubbed at her temples. "Jane Emily is dead and 53-13 has been disbanded."

Shocked, I ran a hand through my hair. "What?"

"That's not even the worst part," Aspen said. "Eilish is missing."

I gave her an exasperated look. "What do you mean she's missing? I was with her last night!"

"Nobody has seen her this morning, like at all, and she won't answer her calls. It's all going to voicemail. And she always answers." Lola looked so stressed.

I was stunned for a moment before I recovered. "But, she's always disappearing in the mornings. I don't-"

Lola grabbed my shoulders and I saw the ice in her come out. "Santana! You don't understand, Billie Eilish is missing. Even if she's always disappearing, there's always at least one person who knows where she is. From dusk till dawn that girl is always working to keep shit together, but this morning? Nothing. On top of that, Jane Emily is dead-"

Aspen continued on. "Do you know what that means? One entire gang left without a leader equals chaos. The person that killed her might've done something to Eilish, or Eilish killed her- whatever that fuck happened, this is bad! When a gang leader dies in this school no one knows what the fuck to do, cause it's never happened before!"

"We need to know where Billie is so she can fucking deal with this because, whew chile I can't-" Lola breathed.

I let the entire situation sink in before I started snickering out loud. Did these people really not know Billie? Bae goes MIA for a couple hours and people go ape shit. I knew my girlfriend, and from the situation obviously more than others. She's a big girl, a woman who can take care of herself. It was apparent that she had some private shit to deal with, and so she didn't tell anyone bout her business.

I knew she'd tell me if I asked though. And I knew she'd answer my calls.

Everybody gave me weird looks as I sobered up then rolled my eyes at how pathetic this was. "She's fine." I deadpanned.

Lola put her hand on her hip. "You don't know that!"

"I do though." My expression was serious and still yet no one believed me.

I took my phone out my pocket and tapped on Billie's contact, letting it ring.

It picked up immediately after two short rings. I tapped my foot almost impatiently. I was kinda annoyed cause Billie knew what she was doing, she knew disappearing and possibly murdering Jane-Emily would panic everyone. And she did it anyways. Clearly she was playing a game and obviously this was all extremely funny to her.

"Santana," My girlfriend's deep feminine voice rang in my ears. I could just hear the relaxed smirk on her face.

I rolled my eyes and smiled a little. "Where are you, Eilish?"

"Aw, we're using last names now baby?" There was fake hurt in her voice.

Beside me everyone was shocked that she answered the call.

"Billie, stop changing the subject," I huffed.

"I don't even know what the subject is," Billie drawled lazily. She knew what she was doing.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. I wasn't really that concerned about her current location, but with worried people surrounding me and being Billie's second, I kinda had to find out.

It's not that I didn't care, I just knew deep down that she was fine. She wouldn't put herself in danger without thinking, she had promised.

"Babe, seriously. Tell me where you are."

The door swung open and everybody's eyes turned to see Billie standing there, a lazy smile on her face. "Right here, darling."


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