19 | perfect girl

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Billie woke me up at 11am that Saturday morning

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Billie woke me up at 11am that Saturday morning. She told me it was because we had an... adventurous night on Friday so she let me sleep in a bit. I thought that was so sweet and kind of her especially since she was probably more sore than me-

She told me to dress how I would any other day as I picked out my clothes and stepped into the bathroom. "Can I come watch?" She asked smirking, and I rolled my eyes and shut the door on her smug self.

I did my daily shower routine, brushed my teeth and made sure to use lots of scented shower gel, perfume and deodorant because the night before Billie told me she's obsessed with the way I smell. Maybe that's why she was always placing her face against my neck.

I was hoping that today would be the day she asked me to be her girlfriend. Lola told me the other day that Billie told her she was thinking about it, but not sure how to ask. I found it so cute that she was doing all of this for me.

I put the outfit on and exited the bathroom. Billie's eyes travelled from her phone to my body and her jaw went slack as her eyes roamed my curves.

"Damn," She whistled and she took like 50 pictures before asking if she could give me head. I laughed and shook my head. "You like fine as hell, don't blame me."

I was wearing a black sports bra and grey sweatpants with a small black thong peeking out against my hips. I decided to steal a pair of Billie's shoes and sat down against my bed and pulled them on.

When I was done Billie offered me her hand. I shook my head and pouted. "Can you carry me?"

She rolled her eyes before crouching down. I grinned and climbed on her back. Her hands gripped my thighs roughly and she stood up. I leaned round and pecked her cheek. "I hate you," she mumbled. I laughed and opened the door for us.

On Saturday's the whole day is like one massive free period, so there were many people walking around, talking, and having fun. Most people were outside though because it was yet another sunny day.

I grinned at the people staring at me being carried by the frowning girl under me. We walked down one of the many stairs and I thought we were going to the field when Billie turned left and led us outside, to a little space away from others. There were a few small stone steps in the ground going down. I couldn't see what was down there because there was greenery everywhere.

She stopped walking. "Aight San," Billie said, tapping my thighs gently. I hopped down and grabbed her hand, needing to touch her in some way.

Billie squeezed my hand. "You go first."

I swallowed in anticipation and excitement. My feet made their way down the steps and I pulled Billie with me by the hand. I was shocked by what I saw yet so happy.

It was like a big hidden crater in the ground that was covered by trees and bushes. It looked like someone had grown a whole garden in here, as there were flowers and bushes and small trees everywhere. The sun was shining through the leaves above and made it all look so bright. And right in the middle was a big fluffy blanket, some more blankets neatly piled and a picnic basket.

I covered my mouth with my hand and gasped, tears springing in my eyes.

No one had ever done something like this for me, showed me this much love, not since my dad. I turned around and launched myself into Billie's arms, feeling her chest move as she laughed slightly at my reaction. Her arms were around my waist making me feel secure and I was crying into her hoodie.

"Thank you," I whispered and pulled back, kissing her passionately. She smiled into the kiss and pulled back. Her blue eyes were twinkling and her deep dimples prominent as she said, "C'mon."

"Billie," I said softly, laying down on her very comfortable chest as we both silently enjoyed each other's company

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"Billie," I said softly, laying down on her very comfortable chest as we both silently enjoyed each other's company. She was staring at the trees above us when I called her and her eyes flickered down to me as a smile graced her lips.

We'd been here for about two hours already. You could hear the very distant screams and laughs of students. But here, it was just us.

"Yes, beautiful?" Billie gave me a dazzling smile and I swear I felt my hairs stand on end.

"Tell me more about your life, before all this. Before me," I blushed at the last bit.

She closed her eyes and rubbed my shoulder. "Ok."

"I grew up with both my parents and an adopted sister. I had a relatively good childhood until one day, when I was 12, I caught my dad with a woman from work. She left as soon as they realised I was there, and it was just me and my dad alone.

"I was an uncontrollable 12 year old who didn't really
know how to use her element. I got angry, and after that everything's a blur. I remember seeing my dad on the floor and my mom coming in and pushing me back, asking what I'd done. She was so upset, but I didn't really understand the problem.

"Turns out, he died from asphyxiation because the ice spreading in his throat blocked his ability to breathe. After that my mom never trusted me again and sent me here as some sort of punishment. Kayla came after me.

"Long story short I was initiated into Black Valley and became leader when I was 16." Billie said all this quietly and with her eyes closed.

"I'm sorry," I said, even though it wasn't my fault.

Billie peeked one eye open and gave me a one sided smile, showcasing her sexy dimples. "Tell me bout you."

I knew this was coming.

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