06 | crystal-like

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I pulled Billie down the hallway and stopped once I thought we were far enough from the EE classroom

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I pulled Billie down the hallway and stopped once I thought we were far enough from the EE classroom. Billie was breathing heavily still, from exertion and anger. I was a little bit worried about what would happen once Ms. Bates regained her composure.

I faced Billie and took both her hands in mine, staring into her crystal-like blue eyes. She was looking down at our hands trying to focus on her breathing.

"Can you light our hands-on fire again? It'll help," Billie mumbled, referring to her lingering anger and I nodded gently. Immediately our joined hands came alight with my signature blue fire. Billie's hands reacted to the sudden flame and started to frost like earlier. I smiled at how our gifts interacted with each other and cleared my throat.

"You can't do that again, Eilish," I said softly.

Billie huffed and rolled her eyes. "You don't know me, Santana. So you can't tell me what to do."

I shrugged. "Ok, bet. I'll get to know you."

Billie rolled her eyes again but this time there was a small smile on her lips. She looked down at our hands again and her smile dropped. Billie slowly took her hands out of mine and gave me a tight smile. "Thanks. I'm fine now."

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I was missing Element Edification, one of the most important classes, because of this girl I barely knew.

"I guess since we're already here... Wanna skip the last two periods?" Billie's icy eyes met mine and held my gaze; I felt myself shiver at the intensity of her stare. She is the definition of ice-cold. Just then something clicked in my mind.

"Hey, no using your gift on me," My mouth flew open in shock as she smirked. How many times today had she done shit with her eyes on me today? The shivering, the blushing... Billie's ocean eyes were her main tool, like me with my hands.

"I wasn't doing it that time, swear," She chuckled and nudged me with her shoulder. "So we skipping or nah, San?"

I raised my brows. "San?"

"You're avoiding the question, bozo," Billie deadpanned and looked at me coldly.

My common sense screamed at me as I gave in. "Fine." She grinned and held my hand again, this time she let thin frost creep up my knuckles. I sighed in comfort as it soothed me. Billie and I walked in the direction of our room.

"Billie!" A voice called out from down the hallway.

We both swiftly turned around and I raised my eyebrows at this girl I'd never seen before.

She had long brown hair and tan skin, I figured she was Hispanic. And her clothes were tight in all the right places, making her look like a model. Around her neck was a white lanyard.

Billie let go of my hand and raised her eyebrows at the girl. I felt my heart pang with something but ignored it.

"Kayla." This girl who was called Kayla ran to Billie and gave her a long hug. Billie pulled away and quickly stepped away from her, turning to me.

"Kayla this is Santana, Santana this is Kayla." I smiled at the girl shyly. Meeting new people isn't my strong point. Billie pointed at the girl. "She's my sister. Well, my adoptive sister."

"Oh, cool," I mumbled. Kayla was looking at me pointedly and making me extremely uncomfortable. What is with people in this school and not-so-warm welcomes? Everyone always has a second agenda or they make me uncomfortable or they are just downright mean. Even worse, the nice people are all caught up in this gang war shit to even be my friend, like Lola. I just need one real friend, just one, and it looked like Kayla was not gonna be that friend.

That's why I was so startled when Kayla pulled away from Billie and crushed me in a warm hug, well as warm a hug as a person with ice in their veins could get. It was obvious her element variation was from Ice, she had the same type of intense gaze as Billie.

Kayla whispered in my ear and her voice was ice-cold, a contrast to Billie's hot tingly breath that distracted me earlier. "Hey, I'm Kay, nice to meet you." she withdrew from the embrace and smiled at Billie and me, pulling out a piece of paper from her pocket.

"Being the student assistant for the day has its perks you know," Kay smirked and waved it in Billie's face. "The Cobra Spades are having a party tonight, in the South. Wanna crash it?"

Billie bit her lip and looked at me briefly before her face broke into an icy smirk. "You know it."


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ICE COLD | billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now