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Madam Lex put me in therapy

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Madam Lex put me in therapy. Literal therapy. This bitch is really comical thinking I'll be pouring my heart out to some stranger who thinks she can 'help'. All it's gonna do is make me feel like a freak. My mental health is fine.

I'm fine.

"You good, mamas?" Billie glanced at me. "You're like shaking."

"Uh yeah. I'm fine just nervous." I squeezed her hand that was around mine and prayed that I could get out of my head soon.

We were going to the central north part of the school, where Billie's gang was situated. I guess most of them skipped school regularly to hang out in their area. I don't know how I ended up doing this, maybe Billie used her weird power of persuasion on me to make me agree to joining her gang. I was still clueless as to why I was so special that I just had to join.

Billie said she was gonna talk to some people to see if it was okay. A new person could only join if all the important people in the gang agreed. I was sure none of them would agree seeing as hours ago I had burned one of their members to death, but that's none of my business.

Did I actually want to do this? Probably not. But what was the worst that could happen? I'd seen it all at this point.

Billie's face was emotionless and unbothered as she spoke calmly to me. It was such a contrast to the warm hold she had on my hand, caressing it slowly with her acrylic nail. "So there's only gonna be a handful of people since it's not even lunch yet but, everyone that needs to be there will be."

I swallowed and asked the question that had been bothering me from the start. "Will I have to be jumped in? ...Physically?"

Billie laughed a short, sweet laugh quietly. "No."

We stopped at a door that said 'Authorised Personnel Only'. I saw Billie get her pass out and tap it on the sensor-thing. It beeped once and the door unlocked swiftly. She held it open just slightly so it wouldn't lock and let go of my hand to tilt my face towards her.

Her eyes were void of anything yet I knew the look she was giving me. I touched my forehead to her's and closed my eyes. This was so scary. "Hey, look at me," Billie said gently and I opened my eyes.

"You're fine." She said assertively. I wish I could take all her nonchalance and confidence. I smiled weakly and kept looking at her deadly orbs.

"Yes." I breathed.

How many times before I'd get used to the feeling of Billie's eyes on me?

Billies's gaze flicked briefly to my lips before she licked her own. Her voice was raspy as she said, "Yes who?"

I blinked and went pink. "Yes Billie." I whispered.

"Good." Without warning she straightened her body and turned away, opening the door further. I quickly followed after a beat and tried to stop my heart from racing anymore.

"For fucks sake, Oceania!" Billie shouted as yet another sharp lethal icicle flew at Oceania

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"For fucks sake, Oceania!" Billie shouted as yet another sharp lethal icicle flew at Oceania. This had been going on for about an hour. The girl was a very slender Polish blonde with the Element Variation of creating blizzards. As far as I could tell she was the second-in-command of Black Valley and wasn't on board with letting me join.

Her argument was that I wasn't to be trusted, because I'd just killed someone yesterday that had great importance in their gang. What did I tell y'all?

The rest of them who voted, which was about 15 other people, all said yes because Kayla's murder was a 'blessing in disguise', and 'if Eilish trusts you, we do.'

I yawned from my place on the couch snuggled next to some snoring stranger I didn't know, with Billie's hoodie and an extra blanket around me. Everybody else was doing their own thing, not paying the slightest bit of attention to the loud commotion Billie and Oceania were making.

I guess the sleeping guy next to me was so used to this he could sleep through it. I wish.

There was a guy in front of me on the floor playing Pokemon on an old school Nintendo DSI and for the past half hour I'd been watching him play like shit.

"Your sister's fucking dead, Eilish. Dead! You don't know that she won't kill you too!" Oceania spat as if I wasn't on the other side of the room.

Billie rolled her eyes and gave Oceania (who's name is too long so now she's called Nia because why not) the iciest glare. Not gonna lie she looked so hot standing there hoodie-less in a white short sleeve T-shirt and yet another Louis-Vuitton bandana on her head. I could see her fingertips were tinged blue, the way they get when she's angry.

I saw needle like icicles shoot like daggers so close to Nia's face. Billie pointed at Nia accusingly. "I didn't even give one fuck about my sister and you know that. No one did."

The guy in front of me lost a fight against two wild Pokemon and I sighed at his incompetence. What a moron.

Nia sighed in frustration. "Billie. Someone from our gang just got killed by a neutral. And you wanna let her join? Have you lost your mind?! Are you stupid all of a sudden?"

I'm glad I wasn't watching Pokemon dude at that moment because woah.

I had never seen Billie get the way she did. Her expression darkened and the room's temperature dropped suddenly. She stood to her full intimidating height and walked towards Nia, backing her into the wall.

Billie has a natural don't care, chill attitude. She almost never fully loses her temper, she might get a little angry, but boy she can be real scary when she wants to be. People forget sometimes who she is, what she can do and how terrifying Billie can truly be.

Billie's voice was low and quiet. "You're forgetting your place, Oceania. And you're also forgetting that I could kill you right now... and I'm really fucking close."

Her hand slowly slid up and rested with ease on Nia's neck. It was a painfully threatening gesture, to show who was in charge.

Nia's face was scared.

"You'll say yes to letting her join. If you don't I'll make it happen without your input anyways, m'kay mama?"

Oceania's head nodded quickly. Billie let go and stepped away, suddenly bored again. She looked at me all snuggled up with her hoodie and smirked. Her head nodded towards the door and I got up, following her out.

 Her head nodded towards the door and I got up, following her out

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